IVF: As Our Journey Continues 2021

IVF: As Our Journey Continues 2021

Rejuvenated and Ready for a Baby: As our Journey Continues

In April 2021, my husband and I made the joyful decision to embark on our journey to parenthood once again. Feeling a renewed sense of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, we were eager to start our family. At that moment, we were unaware that the path would eventually lead us to IVF.

Finding the Perfect Fertility Clinic

With great enthusiasm, we took the initiative to fill out forms for multiple fertility clinics. However, unfortunately, we did not receive a response from one of them. Determined to find the right clinic for us, we reached out to the clinic where we had previously undergone IUI procedures. To our delight, they promptly responded and expressed their willingness to assist us once more.

A Supportive Consultation

Understanding the importance of addressing any potential concerns from our previous unsuccessful IUI cycles, our doctor suggested a hysteroscopy. This procedure would allow them to investigate the presence of visible fluid from the previous IUI cycles and take appropriate measures to enhance our chances of success. By shedding light on the underlying causes of fluid retention, this procedure offers valuable insights.

Furthermore, as part of our comprehensive fertility treatment plan, I commenced a course of birth control pills to regulate and manage my menstrual cycles effectively. Additionally, during this crucial period, we took the opportunity to consult with a financial counselor.

My Hysteroscopy Experience: Diagnosis and Treatment

On July 29th, I underwent a hysteroscopy. The doctor diagnosed me with chronic endometritis, a condition characterized by a prolonged, mild inflammation of the endometrial lining.

To address this condition, the doctor prescribed a course of two antibiotics, which I diligently followed. I also continued the birth control pills at this time.

Post-Op Appointment

During the post-op appointment on August 6th, the doctor provided further instructions to complete the prescribed antibiotics and subsequently discontinue the use of birth control pills. I contacted the clinic on the first day of my next menstrual cycle to schedule an ultrasound for two weeks later, ideally on either day 2 or day 3 of my period.

I was informed to commence taking estradiol 2mg tablets at this time.

Another Ultrasound…

However, during the ultrasound on August 31st, the doctor discovered that my uterus was still thin, and there was still some fluid present in the uterine cavity. On September 2nd, the doctor recommended an HSG, an X-ray procedure that examines the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes to detect any blockages. Progesterone was prescribed for 10 days. The doctor informed me that I would receive my period after completing the medication; at this time I was instructed to call the clinic on day one of my period to schedule the HSG procedure, which was to be conducted on or between days 5 and 10 of my menstrual cycle.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

On September 23, I had my HSG scheduled, and thankfully, the results showed that my tubes were clear. However, during the procedure, the technician performing it thought they may have noticed something at the top of my uterus that was thought to have been a fibroid or something similar. When I spoke with my doctor about it, she didn’t agree and thought it might just be swelling in the tubes. After careful review of the results of the hysteroscopy and HSG with the medical team, my doctor informed me that my tubes weren’t swollen. She suggested a follow-up appointment to discuss the next steps moving forward.

Follow-up Appointment for IVF

During my virtual appointment on October 28, my doctor informed me that the fluid in my uterus had remained despite previous ultrasounds, and she was unsure of the cause. She couldn’t give me a clear answer on whether my uterus was healthy enough to carry an embryo. The following day an ultrasound and bloodwork determined that although the fluid appeared to be gone, the lining of my uterus was still thinner than ideal. My doctor suggested two supplements, Vitamin E (1000iu once daily) and Pentoxyphylline (400mg twice daily), to help thicken the lining, and I started taking them as recommended.

Gonal, Menopur, and Cetrotide

I started birth control on December 1st. December 22nd, I had a baseline ultrasound, and ordered my medications. December 26th, I began my injections (Gonal 375 IU and Menopur 75 IU). I went to the clinic for bloodwork on December 29th, and my estrogen levels were at 211. There were no changes to medication at that time. December 31st, which was day 6 of my IVF cycle, I had an ultrasound and bloodwork. My estrogen levels had increased to 552, and the ultrasound showed 10 follicles, the largest measuring at 9.6mm. Medication did not change. I started taking Cetrotide 0.25mcg on January 1st. On January 3, 2022, an ultrasound and bloodwork, revealed an estrogen level of 1552 and 11 measured follicles, with the largest at 13.7mm. Medication remained the same. On January 5, 2022, my estrogen level had increased to 2698, with 11 measured follicles and the largest at 16.3mm. I continued my medication and had another ultrasound and bloodwork the next day.

Finally Trigger Shot Time

On January 6, 2022, I received the trigger shot to prepare for egg retrieval. Estrogen level was 3212, progesterone was 1.33, and 14 follicles were measured. I discontinued some of my medication and took the trigger shot as instructed.

Egg Retrieval Day

On January 8, 2022 five eggs retrieved. The embryologist informed us the next day that of the 5 oocytes retrieved, 3 were mature and inseminated via ICSI, and only 1 fertilized. Due to only having one embryo our plan to do a biopsy and freeze all embryo cycle changed. On January 14, 2022, we received the news that our only fertilized embryo did not survive.

After discussing with our doctor, we decided to move forward with a mini stim IVF cycle, and I began taking CoQ10 and DHEA supplements as recommended.

Stay Connected!

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Stay tuned…



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