After Failed IVF Cycle #3

Appointment to discuss next cycle On Wednesday 9/28 I had an appointment at the clinic to discuss my next steps. This included contacting the nurse

IVF Cycle # 3

After cycle #2 was canceled in July, the following events took place:

On 7/31, I got my period. On 8/2, I started taking birth control. On 8/4, I contacted the financial counselor for clearance and the nurse to discuss my FET calendar. On 8/7, I stopped taking birth control. On 8/9, I had a baseline ultrasound and blood work.

From cycle day 3 to 7, I took Letrozole 5mg daily. On 8/16, my ultrasound showed a 3.1mm lining and 3 follicles. On 8/19, my lining was 5.0mm with 2 follicles. On 8/22, my estrogen was 257.3, lining 4.9mm, and I took my trigger shot. On 8/24, I started progesterone in oil (1ml) nightly.

On 8/28, an ultrasound showed no fluid. On 8/29, the embryo transfer took place. On 9/8, the HCG test was negative.