Vitamin D Could Prevent Inflammatory Diseases, New Study Finds

“Research studies have observed associations of vitamin D with inflammation, but data in representative older adult studies is lacking,” the study authors explain. The research
The 17 Best Foundations For Mature Skin

In case you need a reminder: Sunscreen is an incredibly important daily step in your routine to protect you from damage, dark spots, fine lines,
When It's Too Hot To Cook, Try This Chipotle Caesar Salad With Grilled Romaine

Chipotle, lime, and cilantro take the classic caesar salad up a notch. Source link
Thailand’s Koh Phangan Is A Refuge For Well-Being Enthusiasts

For a tropical vacation east of the Atlantic, the Thai islands have long held a certain allure. Visions of long tail boat rides and elephant
Top 5 Embryology Questions, Answered by an Expert
The world of embryology is both fascinating and mindblowing, leaving many fertility patients wondering how it all happens. The life-changing work that embryologists do each
To Protect Cognition As You Age, Mind Your Heart, New Study Says

The team wanted to study calcium leaks more closely, namely because the calcium leaks that can contribute to heart failure can also happen in the
Are You Ready To Take Your Financial Health To The Next Level? Read This

Investing is next level when it comes to your finances. Are you ready? Source link
4 Ways To Quiet Intrusive Thoughts, From A Psychologist

Finally, some people experience intrusive thoughts related to self-image and body image, which can be particularly hard to break. When these come up, Abrams recommends trying
How Dangerous Is Aspartame? A Nutritional Psychiatrist Explains

The negative effects that artificial sweeteners have on the gut and the brain give me pause and remind me of one of my top six
The Wind Down With Derm & Phychiatrist Amy Wechsler, M.D.

6:45 – 7:00 a.m.: I wake up naturally. I always set my old-fashioned alarm clock, but I can’t remember the last time it woke me