New faces at BCRM – IVF Babble

New faces at BCRM – IVF Babble

The clinical team at Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) has been boosted with the arrival of three new team members: consultant Andrina Louisy, and

Balloon Removal after Hysteroscopy

Greetings, esteemed viewers, and welcome back! Today marks a significant update in my medical journey, one that I am thrilled to share with all of you. As some of you may recall, on the 15th of June, 2023, I underwent a hysteroscopy procedure during which a balloon was inserted to aid in the process. Well, the time has come, and I am delighted to announce that the balloon has been successfully removed, marking a milestone in our path towards in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The journey so far has been a hopeful one, and I am overjoyed to report that my recent medical assessment was highly favorable. The doctor’s evaluation indicates that everything is progressing as anticipated, and there is cause for optimism. Last week, stem cells were carefully placed, and these efforts have yielded promising results, particularly in the condition of my uterine lining. The doctor expressed satisfaction with the outcome, and it fills me with hope for what lies ahead.

To ensure the best possible outcomes, I am diligently following the prescribed course of action. Currently, I am completing the remaining dosage of estrogen, which is crucial in preparing my body for the next step. Once this phase concludes, I will commence treatment with Provera, a medication specifically designed to facilitate the resumption of my menstrual cycle.

The restoration of my period is of utmost importance as it signifies a crucial step towards our ultimate goal of IVF. As soon as my menstrual cycle is reestablished, I will promptly contact the medical office to arrange a saline ultrasound examination. This important procedure will ensure the absence of any residual scar tissue, clearing the path for a smoother IVF journey.

While there may still be challenges ahead, I am heartened by the progress made so far. Your unwavering support and encouragement have been a tremendous source of strength throughout this process. I am grateful for each and every one of you who has been on this journey with me, and I eagerly await the next phase, hopeful that it will bring us closer to the joy of parenthood.

Thank you all for being a part of our life and for tuning in to this update. We will continue to share our experiences with transparency and hope that our story may inspire others embarking on their own IVF journey. Until next time, take care and stay positive as we move forward together.