3 Sustainable Beauty Tips From An Expert & Product Formulator

Biodegradability is a buzzy beauty term that—at this time—lacks regulation. There are no set standards that need to be met in order for a brand to call a product, packaging, or formulation “biodegradable” in the same way that “clean,” “natural,” or “hypoallergenic” aren’t regulated terms.

This doesn’t mean that any brand that uses it is greenwashing their products—in fact, lots of great brands have created truly biodegradable packaging or formulation options. However, it does mean that the consumer should be aware of this nuance, and brands themselves should offer clarity about exactly what they mean when they use it. 

“I am very encouraged to see a lot of companies doing the right thing by doing biodegradability testing,” she says. “Unfortunately, I think a lot of that data is still not fully baked enough into the process, but I see the shift happening.”

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