77 Fun Date Ideas To Spark Romance, Connection & Intimacy

So, without further ado, here are 77 date night ideas to keep handy whenever you need some inspiration.


Go out to dinner

Starting off simple, going out to dinner is a date night staple for a reason. You can converse over good food, wear your best outfit, and gaze at each other over candlelight. To make things interesting, go to a restaurant you’ve never been to—or at least try something you’ve never had.


See a movie

Another classic, hitting the movies is the perfect opportunity to snuggle up in front of the big screen and indulge in some movie theatre popcorn. Bonus points if you have some discussion points on the drive home!


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Go to the drive-in

Switch up your usual movie date by finding your closest drive-in and enjoying an outdoor movie. You’ll have a bit more privacy than you would in a theatre, plus drive-ins often show throwback movies if you want to enjoy an old classic together.


Play mini golf

It’s cute, it’s fun, and it’s classic: Putt-putt courses are everywhere, and many also feature arcade games and snacks, so you can make a whole evening out of letting your inner-child out for some fun.

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Visit the driving range

If one of you is more of a golf-aficionado than a putt-putter, you might consider hitting up your local driving range to work on your swing. Whoever is the pro can sweetly put their arms around the other to demonstrate—oh so romantically—how to get a hole-in-one.


Go for a hike

Any nature lovers out there? Going for a hike on a nearby trail is a great way to take in some nature and give you time to connect outside of the hustle and bustle of everyday life. (Easy walking trails are an option too!)


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Go for a bike ride

Want to take in more of your city in less time? Map your ideal route around town and go for a bike ride together. Even if you don’t have bikes, you could borrow or friend’s or see if your city has a local bike-share program.


Go for a drive

Going for a country drive can feel like a welcome escape, especially if you live in a city. Make a roadtrip playlist together, pack some snacks, and hit the road for a scenic date that doesn’t even involve getting out of the car.


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Go to your local history museum

Museums are a great way to learn something new and foster good conversation. If one or both of you is into history, don’t miss out on your nearest history museum to learn more about the area you live in.


Visit an art gallery

Speaking of museums, history is just one option—art museums are another. You can gaze at paintings and discuss how they make you feel—or perhaps chuckle at the ones you’re surprised made it into an exhibit.


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Check out the nearest botanical gardens

Many cities have botanical gardens with a variety of plant species, which is a fun way to learn about plant life up close—plus admission is typically pretty affordable too, which never hurts.


Explore a new science museum exhibit

Speaking of learning something new, see if your local science museum has any cool exhibits opening up. From planetariums to biology exhibits, there’s usually at least one exhibit that could pique both of your interests.


Take a pottery class

Not only is this a fun way for you both to get your hands dirty and make something together, but you get to take home your creation! Talk about a win-win date night.


Take a cooking class

Another win-win date night? Taking a cooking class together. You’ll learn how to make some amazing recipes—and get to enjoy eating them, too.


Go to a paint and sip

Paint and sips aren’t just for ladies nights, and going to one with your partner is a low-pressure way to tap into your more creative sides. Plus, if you like your paintings enough, you can hang them up at home later.


Have a beach day

Pack the cooler, refine your beach playlist, and don’t forget your sunscreen! There’s nothing like laying on the beach on a nice summer’s day, and having your partner by your side makes it that much sweeter.


Visit an animal sanctuary

If one or both of you are animal lovers, visiting and/or volunteering at an animal shelter is a nice way to give back to the animals, and spend quality time with your partner doing something that makes you feel good.


Rent kayaks and go out on the water

Getting out on the water is an instant recipe for serenity—and an arm workout! Grab kayaks or a canoe (or rent them if you don’t have any) and take a leisurely row down your nearest creek or river.


Get tickets to a dinner cruise

If you like the sound of getting out on the water—but without the arm workout—consider finding a local dinner cruise to attend. You and your date can enjoy a night of dressing to the nines, having a nice dinner, and dancing the night away.


Visit an amusement park

Any adrenaline junkies out there? Nothing will bring you and your date together quite like being at the top of a 150-foot rollercoaster—or unanimously chickening out and hitting the merry-go-round instead.


Go berry picking in the summer

When you go berry picking, you’re connecting with both nature and your date. Plus, you can go home and make something with your harvest, like blueberry pie or a strawberry tart.


Go apple picking in the fall

Apple picking is a classic autumnal activity for good reason—you can chat as you collect your basket of apples, and make a pie together later on. Tack on a hayride or pumpkin carving and you’ve got the perfect recipe for a romantic fall day.


Stop by your local farmers market

Farmers markets are a great date option that allow you to simultaneously support local farms and get to know your date’s shopping habits. Are they going for the broccoli or the fresh-cut flowers? When you’re done shopping, try to come up with a meal you can make together with all your fresh ingredients.


See a play or musical

From big Broadway shows to local theatre company originals, consider having an evening with arts by seeing a play or musical. Put on your fanciest theatre attire, grab a cocktail beforehand, and enjoy the show.


Catch some live music

Want to see a different kind of show? Check out the concerts coming up near you! Don’t be afraid to take a drive to see a bigger artist, or get into your local music scene at nearby bars and venues.


Go ice skating

Ice skating might be tricky if either of you aren’t the most graceful, but if you’re confident in your skating skills, it’s a super romantic date night idea. Even if it’s warm where you live, check out if there are any indoor rinks near you.


Go fishing

Fishing can be relaxing (and momentarily exciting when you actually catch one), plus you’ll have plenty of time to chat with your date on the water. Bonus points if you go home and make dinner with your catch.


Start a couple’s book club

Settle on a book you’re both interested in reading and start your own “book club.” You can read out loud to each other, and then when you’re done, make a whole evening out of book discussion questions, wine, and charcuterie.


Have a picnic

Pick a romantic and picturesque spot near you, pack up your favorite picnic dishes, and take a trip out for the day. Don’t forget a portable speaker, sunscreen, and some fizzy drinks!


Do some stargazing

What’s more romantic than laying outside in the summer and gazing at the stars? If you live in a city, use this date as an excuse to get out into the country and reconnect with nature.


Take a yoga class together

Yoga is an excellent activity for strengthening the body and mind—plus it can improve your sex life. Hit up your nearest studio and try a style of yoga you’ve both never done before!


Visit your local zoo or aquarium

Get up close and personal with your favorite animals at your local zoo or aquarium. Some of them may even offer volunteer opportunities, workshops, or demonstrations, if that’s something that interests the two of you.


Try rock climbing

For the adventurous daters in the bunch, find your nearest rock climbing gym and give it a go. Belaying each other can even foster a sense of connection and trust.


Go dancing

Going dancing is a tried-and-true date night activity that, quite honestly, needs a renaissance. You could attend a dancing class to brush up on your skills, or just have fun with it and dance like no one’s watching.


Recreate the night your first met

You could take this option a couple of ways—you could re-stage the night you first met (same location, outfits, etc.), and “relive” the memories, so to speak. Or, you could role play meeting each other for the first time, pretending for the whole night that you’ve only just met.


Eat your way around your city

Who says you have to have a five-course meal in just one place? Stop for cocktails at your favorite cocktail bar, apps at a local tapas joint, entrées at a swanky five-star restaurant—you get the idea.


Have a staycation

Take a look at the hotels or bed and breakfasts near you and have yourselves a staycation. You can go out for a fancy dinner, take a dip in the hotel pool, and enjoy a night in a cozy suite.


Get a couples massage

Everyone deserves a good massage once in a while, especially if you or your date have been stressed lately. On the off chance that getting a couple’s massage is out of your price range, you can look up massage tutorials online and massage each other (which, come to think about it, is kinda sexier anyway).


Play 20 questions

No matter how well you think you know someone, there’s virtually always something new to discover, and asking deep questions is a great way to connect with parts of your date you’ve never seen. Here’s our list of 114 conversation starters for couples if you need some inspiration!


Go through old photos together

Seeing pictures from your date’s childhood is an almost certain recipe a warm heart, plus a bunch of “aww’s.” You’ll undoubtedly hear stories from each other’s childhoods, plus learn more about each other in the process.


Make a scrapbook of your relationship

From the day you first met until now, compile all the photos, ticket stubs, and tangible mementos you can and put them in a scrapbook to make a beautiful record of your memories together.


Have a karaoke night

Whether you rent a karaoke machine for the night if you’re too shy to do it in public, or go all-out at your nearest karaoke bar, you and your date can let your goofy sides out, serenade each other, or find your new go-to duet.


Attend a sound bath or breathwork ceremony

For a little spiritual connectivity and relaxation, see if there are any sound baths or breathwork ceremonies happening near you. It’s a chance to try something different and tap into your spirituality together.


Try to make each other’s favorite family dish

Does one of you have a famous family sauce recipe, or another dish that’s been passed down for generations? Get a recipe from both of your families, and try to make the other’s signature dish for each other! (i.e. you make their family’s meatloaf, and they make your family’s paella).


Draw or paint each other

Doing portraits of each other not only gives you an excuse to stare lovingly at each other for a bit, but you can let your creative sides out and have fun with it.


Write each other love letters

This is an especially great option if one or both of you appreciates words of affirmation. Writing love letters is a classic way to get your feelings out on paper, and you can even read them out loud to each other if you really want to get sappy. (Here’s our guide on how to write one, in case you need it.)


Build a fort in your living room

A true childhood classic, building a fort together is the perfect way to take your usual movie night to the next level. Reconstruct your living room into the fort of your dreams, complete with pillows, twinkly lights, and your favorite childhood film.


Have a DIY spa night

Want a couple’s spa treatment without the spa prices? Hit up your nearest drugstore for sheet masks, bubble bath, massage tools, and more, and bring the spa in for a night of relaxation and pampering each other.


Host a game night

You can put together a couple’s game night for just the two of you, or invite some friends over and host a whole evening out of it. All you need are your favorite board or card games, some cocktails (or mocktails), and your favorite go-to munchies.


Plant a garden

Sow the seeds of your love by literally sowing seeds in a garden together. If you don’t have a backyard, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a cute little patio garden of small pots, or you could see if there’s a local community garden nearby.


Go foraging in the wild

Speaking of plants, you can also forage in the wild if gardening isn’t an option where you live. From mushrooms to ramps to dandelions, there’s no shortage of dinner ingredients to use when the Earth is your grocery store.


Hit the slopes

Whether you’re an avid skiier or more the bunny hill type, spending the day skiing or snowboarding is a great way to get outdoors together in the colder months, plus get a workout in, too.


Build a campfire

From the warm glow of the fire to cozying up in a hammock together, sitting by a campfire is super romantic. You can swap memories, ask each other questions, tell ghost stories and make s’mores—whatever tickles your fancy.


Volunteer for a cause you both care about

Are the two of you both big environmentalists? Or perhaps you’ve bonded over being vegan? Find a local charity you both get behind and commit the day to furthering the cause together.


Attend a workshop

There are workshops for anything and everything, from poetry writing to acting improv. Find a local workshop that sounds interesting to the both of you and spend the night getting out of your comfort zone.


See a speaker or attend a lecture

People go to concerts all the time, but when was the last time you went to see someone speak? Find out if there are any cool speakers giving talks near you—and check out local universities, too, which often have opportunities to attend events on campus.


Watch the sunset

Whether you’re on a roof or a beach, watching the sunset together is a classic romantic move. Or, if you’re early risers, don’t let us stop you from venturing out early for the sunrise.


Go to a burlesque show

Want to make your next date night a little bit spicier? See if there are any burlesque or drag shows coming up near you and get tickets for a night of sexy fun.


Try a workout you’ve both never done

Going on a date that gets you both out of your comfort zones is a great way to bond, and trying a new workout is a great date option for the gym rats out there.


Visit a winery from some wine tasting

Enjoying gorgeous wine trails and sampling wine? Talk about a simple but elegant date idea. Of course, if you’re not too into wine, you can also see if there’s a brewery nearby that you’d prefer.


Go to a local sports game

Does your town or city have a sports team, big or small? From football to basketball to baseball, there’s no shortage of sporting events to attend, and you and your date can cheer on your favorite teams together.


Make a playlist for each other

Long gone are the days of burning CDs for your lover, but playlists certainly haven’t gone anywhere. Making a playlist for each other is a cute way to show you care and express how you feel, and you can listen to the playlists together and talk about why you chose those songs.


Pitch a tent for the night

For the nature lovers out there, there’s never a bad time to escape for the night with a quick camping trip. OK, well maybe if the weather is bad—but otherwise, camping for the night is a fun way to spend some quality time away from your usual routine.


Go bowling

Who doesn’t love a classic trip to the bowling alley once in a while? It’s easy to make conversation between turns, you don’t have to take it too seriously, and you can invite some more friends to make it a group activity, too.


Hit up a local trivia night

Trivia is certainly not everyone’s strong suit, but it’s all for fun and games, right? Find your closest trivia night and form a team, whether that’s just the two of you, or with the addition of some particularly brainy friends.


Go horseback riding

Going for a trail ride on horseback with your date can be relaxing and allow you to connect with local nature, and it’s well worth it to find the best trail you can, even if it’s a little far away.


Host a dinner party

Planning a dinner party will not only give you an opportunity to work together as a team, but you can bond over the experience of hosting a party together, and enjoy the company of your friends as a couple.


Plan a murder mystery

If you want to host a dinner party but take it up a notch, why not plan a murder mystery? You can find scripts online, invite your more theatrical friends, and prepare for an evening of laughter—all coordinated by you and your date, of course.


Redecorate a room in your home

Spruce up a room in your home that needs a little redecorating, whether you opt to rearrange the furniture, get some new decor, or completely transform the room. You’ll not only be getting creative together, but can help each other with deciding on what to do.


Check out your local comedy scene

Want a night of drinks and laughter? Go to your local comedy club, or see if there are any open-mic comedy nights near you. Bonus points if you go to an open-mic and both perform a bit yourselves.


Put a scavenger hunt together

Take turns making a scavenger hunt for the other that leads them through landmarks of your relationship—from the place you first met, to the location of your first date, etc., with the final destination being one of your favorite places to go together, for example.


Work on a home improvement project

Have a desk that you’ve been meaning to refurbish or a cabinet to assemble? Test your teamwork abilities and see if you can tackle the project together—of course rewarding yourselves afterwards with whatever prize you see fit.


Go cliff jumping

Get that adrenaline pumping at your nearest cliff jumping site. Please be safe, obviously—but if there’s a local spot that is known to be safe for jumping into water, it’s a great date activity to spark a sense of adventure and aliveness between the two of you.


Go thrifting

Get thrifty with your date and hit up the nearest flea market, thrift store, or antique shop. You can spend literal hours in second-hand stores, looking at all the old treasures and making up stories about where everything came from.


Go sky-diving

Certainly not everyone’s cup of tea, but if you’ve always wanted to go sky-diving, it can be a great activity for getting your adrenaline pumping and making one major memory with your date.


Go to an open house

You don’t have to be shopping for a home to pretend you’re shopping for a home, and it can make for a pretty fun date. Check out a local open house and enjoy an afternoon of pretending to be homebuyers.


Get a reading with a psychic

Last but not least—if you dare—find a reputable psychic near you and pop in for a couple’s reading. With any luck, they might just have a positive message for you.

The takeaway

No matter how busy our lives get, it’s still so important to carve out quality time with the person you love—and not only that, but try something new once in a while! The next time your date night is looking more like silently binging a show together, consider swapping in one (or more) of these fun date ideas.

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