8 Best CBD Gummies For Sleep & Pain In 2023

Whether you struggle with night-time aches or simply can’t fall asleep at bed-time, a hemp-derived CBD gummy is a great way to get yourself ready to snooze.* 

Research around cannabidiol (CBD) as a sleep aid is in the early stages, but it’s promising. A 2020 review1 found that the cannabinoid can encourage feelings of calm, which helps keep those pre-bedtime scaries at bay.*  

A 2019 retrospective case study2 echoes these findings; more than 66% of patients who took CBD saw their sleep score improve in the first month. Medical cannabis expert Dave Gordon M.D., a double board-certified doctor in both internal and integrative medicine, offers similar anecdotal evidence.

“While CBD doesn’t make people drowsy like traditional sleeping medications, many individuals report that taking CBD helps them with sleep,” explains Gordon. He ties this effect back to the  endocannabinoid system (ECS), a bodily system that plays a key role in a variety of bodily functions—including sleep. 

Your ECS has two parts: cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors. Your body can either make cannabinoids, called endocannabinoids, or they can be introduced to the body from plants (phytocannabinoids). 

When you consume hemp-derived CBD, you introduce new cannabinoids into your ECS. This improves the system’s function, per Gordon, which can have a positive impact on your sleep.

 “Additionally, discomfort and stress are common reasons for poor sleep and CBD might help with those symptoms, allowing individuals to rest easier,*” he adds. 

Integrative medical physician and holistic health specialist, June Chin, D.O. agrees. “CBD directs the brain to activate the parasympathetic nervous system3, which induces a state of calm,” she says. “CBD may reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep and help you get a more restful night’s sleep.”*

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