HFEA urges sperm and egg donors to update details as offspring come of age

The UK’s fertility regulator is urging egg and sperm donors to update their contact details to avoid disappointing their offspring

New data shows about 30 donor-conceived young people will become eligible to find their donor when they turn 18, later this year

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) issues the call to anyone who donated sperm or eggs after 1 April 2005, as it prepares to support the first people affected by the historic changes to donor anonymity law.

The changes made it possible for most people conceived from egg, sperm, or embryo donations made after 1 April 2005 – and after they turn 18 – to access their donor’s full name, date of birth, and last known address. The first people will become eligible to apply to the HFEA for this information in October.

The HFEA is the independent regulator of fertility treatment and human embryo research in the UK. Since the donor anonymity law changed in 2005, it also offers the Opening the Register (OTR) service, through which it releases specific categories of information to donor-conceived people, their parents, or their donors.

Rachel Cutting, Director of Information and Compliance at the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), said: “The decision to abolish donor anonymity in 2005 has given donor-conceived individuals – providing they have been told they are donor conceived – an opportunity to learn about where they came from, and we know from studies that this has a positive impact on them.

“By the end of 2024, around 766 donor-conceived people will be able to request identifying information about their donor from the HFEA, and by 2030, this rises to 11,427.

“As we approach this landmark moment, we have concerns that not all donor-conceived individuals who apply for this information will be able to reach their donor. That’s why we are urging donors to get in touch with their clinics to update their contact details.

“Not only will this enable the HFEA to notify donors of information requests from offspring, but it also reduces the risk of information being sent to a historic address. It also means donor-conceived individuals can be reassured that they have their donor’s most up-to-date information.”

Minister for Women’s Health Strategy, Maria Caulfield said: “I am delighted that donor-conceived individuals turning 18 will now have the chance to find out who their donor is. Everyone should have the right to know about their genetic history.

“To ensure we don’t disappoint those looking for answers, I would urge all those who have donated after 1 April 2005 to consider updating their contact details with the HFEA as soon as possible.”

Are you one of the people coming of age this year? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Email mystory@ivfbabble.com.

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