The 19 Best Natural Sunscreens Of 2023

“Natural sunscreen” is not a regulated term. There is no agreed-upon, well-set definition of what it means in the beauty industry either. So what are we even talking about in this article? On this list you’ll find sunscreen options that utilize mineral-blockers, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. Usually when people talk about “natural sunscreen” what they actually mean is “mineral sunscreens.” 

I suspect that many equate mineral or physical blockers with “natural” because the alternative SPF active ingredients are classified as “chemical.” And in the beauty space, there’s often a false dichotomy between chemical and natural. (We explain the actual difference between mineral and chemical sunscreen in the section below, if you’re curious.) For the record, even natural things are chemicals—for example, water—so this distinction isn’t warranted, but alas. 

In addition to using mineral active ingredients, we also prioritized natural ingredients elsewhere in the formula—so in these options you’ll find botanical oils, butters, and extracts that can support skin health.

However, like most modern day formulas, the sunscreens on this list are typically a blend of both lab-derived ingredients and natural extracts. (Very few commercial products are 100% natural.) So unless otherwise indicated, assume that these formulas are a blend of the two, but with an emphasis on the natural end of the spectrum.

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