How To Know If You’re Reliant On Melatonin & What To Do

Try other sleep remedies: According to Mysore, there are a few other science-backed remedies for sleep that you can experiment with, including magnesium bisglycinate. You can check out some other non-melatonin sleep aids that are safe to take nightly here

Support your circadian rhythm: Your circadian rhythm, also known as your sleep-wake cycle or internal clock, is regulated by melatonin and cortisol. It’s responsible for giving you energy during the day and sleepiness at night. To support it, “Try to keep the same sleep and wake times during the week,” recommends Mysore. You can also try to get sunlight on your skin and eyes first thing in the morning

Create a nighttime “power down” ritual: Your wind down routine can involve relaxing activities that don’t involve a screen, like journaling, reading, or listening to an audiobook. “A nighttime ritual helps your body know it’s time to go to bed,” Mysore notes. That said, she recommends against eating, drinking, or exercising too close to bedtime, as these things can be counterproductive. 

Keep your room cool: The best sleep environment is dark, quiet, and colder than you think. Experts say the optimal temperature for sleep is around 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Be mindful of caffeine: “Try to stop your caffeine intake by noon so it’s easier to fall asleep,” says Mysore. Everyone responds to caffeine differently, so it might be worth figuring out whether you’re a fast or slow metabolizer and timing your caffeine intake accordingly. 

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