Core Strengthening Yoga

I’ve got an awesome core focused yoga session for you today!

This playful yoga flow with Coach Karen will strengthen your abs, help you build a strong, stable core, take you through some fun balance poses – leaving you feeling energized, strong and centered.

Coach Karen is a yoga instructor YTT 200; YTT 500; and a Team Betty Rocker Coach inside of Rock Your Life– my online home workout studio and women’s fitness community!

I always add yoga, mobility or stretching to my training plan. Adding in mindful movement like this can help balance your stress pillar and support muscle recovery by giving your muscles and joints a break from high impact or high intensity workouts.

You can find more of Coach Karen’s fantastic yoga classes inside our Rock Your Life online home workout studio and women’s fitness community alongside a wide variety of other types of training.

Now join Coach Karen and let’s go!

For short workouts (15-20 minutes) and a balanced workout plan with weekly yoga in the mix, check out the Quick Strength and Shred Challenge in Rock Your Life!

Start this challenge today!


Core Strengthening Yoga

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Use the video to follow along with Coach Karen for this fun yoga flow.

1st Sequence

  • Seated cat-cow
  • Side folds
  • Boat pose
  • Windshield wipers

2nd Sequence

  • Cat/cow
  • Table top to down dog
  • Three-legged dog to plank
  • Table top to child’s pose
  • Down dog and walk to front of mat

3rd Sequence

  • Sun salute with kneeling lunges
  • Sun salute with crescent lunge
  • Sun salute with three-legged dog and chair pose
  • Sun salute with twisted chair pose and drinking bird
  • Sun salute with twisted high lunge

4th Sequence

  • Breath focus standing and seated

Great job Rockstar! I’m so proud of you for showing up for yourself today.

Be sure to check in below with me and Coach Karen and let us know how you liked this class and what sequence was your favorite!

Check out these progress shots from Bailey, a Rock Your Life member who has had amazing, sustainable results over the past 2 years from having a supportive community, and consistent access to workout classes and challenge programs.

“I have been doing Betty Rockers workouts since July of 2020 . Today I took a progress pic just to see how far I have come! The first pic is from 7/2020 and the updated pic is from 05/2022. 40 lbs down.. several inches lost! This workout program along with eating a healthier lifestyle has truly changed my body and mind! I am currently doing the bikini body challenge and it has kicked my butt! If this momma of 3 can do it, so can you!!” 

Wondering where YOU can get started?

I’ve got a plan for you! In fact, I’ve got so many 30-day challenges you could take one every month of the year and still not do them all! You can find ALL of my amazing 30-day home workout challenges inside Rock Your Life – plus myself and the Team Betty Rocker coaches teach 5 new classes every week in case you want to just workout with us outside of a plan.

Get started TODAY!

The post Core Strengthening Yoga appeared first on The Betty Rocker.

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