Citicoline May Slow Cognitive (& Even Reverse) Cognitive Decline

Over the course of a year, 81 people with subjective cognitive complaints (SCC) or MCI and vascular risk factors took one gram of citicoline daily. Researchers used a variety of validated tests to assess a person’s cognition at the beginning and end of the study. 

At the end of the study, folks with SCC (self-reported feelings of confusion or memory loss) showed significant improvements in language and memory tests. 

And people with MCI showed significant improvements in total scores for areas like memory, attention, language, and visuospatial skills4 (like buttoning a shirt or making a bed).

What’s even more impressive is that 12 people with MCI—which remember is diagnosable cognitive impairment—reverted to SCC at the end because they no longer met the criteria for MCI. 

A downside to this study though is that there was no control group (everyone received the supplement). So we don’t know how citicoline compares to no additional cognitive support. 

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