I Tested 11 Sleep Products In One Week: The Ones That Worked Best

When it comes to improving sleep, going back to basics is best. Any sleep doctor worth their salt will tell you that foundational habits—like going to bed around the same time every night and limiting stress in the evenings—are essential. But once a strong foundation is set, sleep products can take your slumber to the next level.

We’re living in a heyday of gizmos, gadgets, and goods that promise to do just that. As a health editor, I have the pleasure of hearing about most of them, and my inbox is a trove of smart mattresses, sleep patches, and neurofeedback headbands. Recently, I set aside one week to put as many of them to the test as possible.

Going into the week, I was already a pretty good sleeper thanks to those foundational habits but wondered if anything could bring my sleep quality (as measured by my energy and alertness the next day) to the next level. Of course, one week isn’t always enough time to know if a product is working, but I figured it could give me a sense of the tools that are worth investigating further. Here’s a review of my sleep aid crash course and the products I’ll definitely be trying again:

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