Fellas—Study Finds This Could Work Almost As Well As Viagra

For this study, researchers wanted to know whether aerobic exercise would improve erectile dysfunction (ED), given the condition is often linked with heart issues, inflammation, and narrowed arteries. Aerobic exercise can help with all three of those things, so the researchers thought it might help erectile dysfunction, too.

In order to find out, they pooled data on ED from 11 different studies, looking at which forms of treatment worked—whether it was an exercise prescription or a Viagra one.

Sure enough, aerobic exercise was almost as effective as prescription drugs Viagra, not to mention it’s free, accessible, and the only side effects are improved health!

More specifically, study participants who experienced improved erectile dysfunction compared to controls were doing 30 to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise (i.e. walking, biking, jogging, swimming) three to fives times a week.

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