What All 12 Zodiac Signs Can Expect In 2024, From Astrologers

The AstroTwins


By The AstroTwins


Ophira and Tali Edut, known as the AstroTwins, are professional astrologers based out of New York and Seattle. Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Vogue and Good Morning America and they are the authors AstroStyle, Love Zodiac, Shoestrology, and Momstrology.

Image by Hayden Williams / Stocksy

January 01, 2024

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Aries 2024 horoscope overview: Let go of control

You continue reinventing yourself from the ground up in 2024, Aries, which is both exhilarating and disorienting.

The destiny-dusted lunar North Node spends the entire year powering through your sign, a game-changing event that only happens about once every two decades. You’ve got a running start on this, since this cycle began on July 17, 2023 and doesn’t end until January 11, 2025.

So, Aries, what on earth is next for your life?

We bet you’re already chewing on this. Wait…don’t answer that yet. In fact, if you think you already “knowâ€â€”then there’s a good chance that you are cheating yourself out of an amazing growth opportunity. The most rewarding victories come when you set a genuine stretch goal for yourself.

But here’s the deal for your Aries 2024 horoscope: If you’re anywhere near your comfort zone, you haven’t challenged yourself enough. To get the grand prize, you have to let go of control. This can be humbling. But it’s so worth it.

Top 5 themes for Aries in 2024


Bring personal responsibility to relationships

All year long (and from July 17, 2023 to January 11, 2025), the lunar North Node is traveling through Aries and your first house of identity. The North Node isn’t a planet, but it is a powerful point in the sky that is connected to the eclipses. And yep, there is a total solar eclipse in Aries that arrives with the new moon on April 8. That’s sure to shake up the way you represent yourself in the public eye.

The North Node only comes to your sign every 18.5 years, so it’s a huge deal. These 18-monthlong cycles push you to pursue your personal destiny or figure out what the next step along that path may be. This is absolutely a year to stretch beyond what feels safe and familiar.


Experiment with new ways to make and save money

Surprise, Aries! Unexpected income opportunities arrive out of the blue, as two of the most experimental planets—Jupiter and Uranus—link arms in Taurus and your money-minded second house.

This pairing only happens every 14 years, and it’s an incredible opportunity to embrace a fresh approach to finances; one that brings you greater freedom and a chance to express your natural gifts. Jupiter and Uranus make an exact conjunction on April 20 (at 21º49’), so circle that date. Then, set a couple of financial goals that feel like an exciting stretch. Nothing like a little bit of risk to get your daredevil Aries engines going.


Share your message and find your people

Flutter, flutter, social butterfly! Work-life balance is more than a pie in-the-sky notion in the second half of 2024. On May 25, abundant Jupiter moves on to insatiably curious Gemini for 12 whole months, sending your popularity soaring. Forgotten friends pop up on your feeds while new connections DM you at every turn. With so many people vying for your time, organizing group hangs is the way to see them all. Keep WhatsApp notifications on. With worldly Jupiter running this show, your vibe attracts citizens from every corner of the globe.


Go on a healing journey

While you’re out there navigating the material world, take time to tune in to your mental and emotional health. All year long, serious Saturn and subconscious Neptune paddle down the stream of Pisces and your twelfth house of dreams, transitions and healing.


Step into your power and lead a team

Trailblazing Aries, you’re no stranger to jumping in with both feet and showing others how it’s done. (Boom!) In fact, power planet Pluto has groomed you into quite the leader since it embarked on its 16-year tour through Capricorn and your tenth house of success starting way back in 2008. But now, you’re ready to evolve to the next stage of the game: switching from the star player to the team captain.

Aries 2024 horoscope for love

Love is a major growth area for Aries in 2024, but alas, this won’t be an easy-breezy expansion. The moon’s karmic South Node is on a slow trek through Libra all year, stirring up sediment in your seventh house of commitment. This cycle only comes around every 18 to 20 years, holding up the mirror on the way you “do relationships.â€

Aries 2024 lucky dates for love: 

  • February 22
  • July 12
  • September 5

Aries 2024 horoscope for money & career

“Money comes, money goes,†is pretty much an Aries mantra. Hey, you believe in enjoying the present moment! Socking it all away for some future date doesn’t really jibe with your “power of now†mindset. Still, Aries, you know how stressful it can be when you “suddenly†don’t have the cash to cover an unexpected car repair or buy tickets to a can’t-miss event. In your Aries 2024 horoscope, you’re being asked to moderate your money. You might be worried about manifesting rainy days by saving for them, but they invariably come anyway. So by stowing away funds, at least you’ll have an umbrella.

Aries 2024 lucky dates for money: 

  • January 28
  • May 18
  • October 8

Planets in Aries in 2024

The following planets visit Aries in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Aries: March 19 to April 19, 2024

This is birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Aries new moon and total solar eclipse: April 8, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action. Since this is a total solar eclipse, surprises are in store. Challenge yourself to shine in new ways and be open to major personal growth.

Aries full moon: October 17, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Aries: March 9 to May 15, 2024 (Retrograde April 1 to 25, 2024)

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social—and connect to old friends during the retrograde.

Venus in Aries: April 5 to 29, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction each year—which happens twice in 2024! Willpower is weak in the face of luxury, which can lead to overspending.

Mars in Aries: April 30 to June 9, 2024

Motivation is high when Mars visits your sign every couple years—but check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Chiron in Aries: April 17, 2018 to April 14, 2027 (Retrograde July 26 to December 29, 2024)

The wounded-healer comet holds the key to turning pain into prescient gifts. And when it visits your sign (for eight years) every 50 years, you may journey through a dark night of the soul to emerge a sage.

Taurus 2024 horoscope overview: Electrified excitement

This year, your sharpest compass is the one that resides deep inside of you. Call it your gut instinct, your intuition, your core values. As the planets push you out of your comfort zone, you can always come home to your finely honed beliefs. That’s the beauty of being a Taurus!

Remember that, Bull, because 2024 promises to be an exhilarating year, jam-packed with adventure. With expansive Jupiter and experimental Uranus joined at the hip in Taurus until May 25, a treasure trove of new opportunities awaits your discovery. The work you do during this powerful year of renewal and fresh starts could raise your public profile in a prestigious way. You’ll feel electrified with excitement!

Top 5 themes for Taurus in 2024


Experiment everywhere

What’s next, Taurus? You may not have the faintest clue as 2024 opens up. Consider it a blessing! A wide spectrum of unexplored opportunities awaits you in 2024, which is an epic year of discovery for Bulls. And even if you do have an answer on the tip of your tongue, hold on before you declare it out loud.


Simplify for success

Just say, “ahhhh.†Your devil-may-care attitude softens come May 25, as thrill-seeking Jupiter bids Taurus adieu and treks on to Gemini and your sensible, sensual second house. Hosting the red-spotted titan in Taurus was an exhilarating ride! But the supersonic pace of the first half of 2024 probably didn’t jibe with your preferred, ambling speed.

Feel free to take your foot off the gas starting May 25. But don’t remove your hands from the wheel! With Jupiter anchored in your practical, money-minded second house (AKA “the Taurus houseâ€) you are ready to steer your life in a more concrete direction.


Assemble a supportive community, but set boundaries

While your indie spirit soars, 2024 is also a powerful year for community. You’ll be fueled (or drained) by the company you keep, so choose your affiliations wisely.

All year long, status-boosting Saturn and compassionate Neptune flow together through Pisces and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. Expect to make truly important connections this year.


Rise up as a role model

What to do with all that wisdom in your head, Taurus? If transformational Pluto has anything to say about it, you might write a book, start a business, develop a curriculum and teach it to people around the world.

Does that sound like a stretch? It’s actually not, Taurus. This year brings a metamorphic shift for you, as Pluto completes its 16-year trek through Capricorn. 


Prioritize your health

During this fast-paced, momentum-building year, it would be easy to let self-care slip. But don’t! Wellness is a high-priority item for you in 2024—and it’s an inside and an outside job. Have you ignored red flags telling you to reduce stress and prioritize rest? You may get doctor’s orders to make a lifestyle change. Consider it a wakeup call, reminding you that the body is the soul’s earthly address, and you need to maintain your “propertyâ€!

Taurus 2024 horoscope for love

While love may not be a primary focus for Bulls in 2024, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to revel in amour. You’re a Venus-ruled Taurus, after all. Romance is the backdrop of your life, even when you’re in “putting me first†mode.

This year of unprecedented growth and self-development creates the perfect springboard for a healthy relationship. The reason? When you’re being your truest, “you-est†self, you greatly increase the likelihood of attracting people who are genuinely compatible. If you’re already in a long-term relationship, here’s hoping you have a flexible partner who supports your expansion.

Taurus 2024 lucky dates for love:

  • January 28
  • May 23
  • October 8

Taurus 2024 horoscope for money & career

How much good fortune can you handle, Taurus? You’re poised for bigger-than-usual gains this year, as abundant Jupiter sails through your sign until May 25, then heads into Gemini and your second house of fiscal security for the remainder of 2024.

But here’s the thing: Jupiter is the galactic gambler, which means playing it safe is not going to help you rise toward your wealth goals. While we’re not saying you should leap without a net, you may need to take a calculated risk and step outside your comfort zone.

Taurus 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • May 18 (AKA “The Day of Miraclesâ€)
  • May 23
  • September 15

Planets in Taurus in 2024

The following planets visit Taurus in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Taurus: April 19 to May 20, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Taurus new moon: May 7, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Taurus full moon: November 15, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit, and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Taurus: May 15 to June 3, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Taurus: April 29 to May 23, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Gemini 2024 horoscope overview: Time traveler

Can you hustle and flow at the same time, Gemini? That’s your 2024 challenge. This may sound a bit like patting your head while rubbing your stomach simultaneously—not altogether impossible, but something that requires focus and intention. Good thing your sign is so gifted at bouncing between extremes.

Career momentum won’t be in short order this year! But neither will your desire for meditative downtime, which allows you to deepen your connection to spirituality and creativity. You may have to travel between two “time zones,†which the Greeks called chronos and kairos. Chronos refers to linear “clock time,†which is where the hustle comes in. Kairos, on the other hand, is that meditative flow state where minutes melt into hours and you lose track of the clock.

Top 5 themes for Gemini in 2024


Slow down to manifest

Goodbye, limiting beliefs; hello, divine inspiration! You could become a master of manifestation as wise, expansive Jupiter teams up with innovative, metaphysical Uranus in Taurus and your spiritual twelfth house until May 25. Talk about a heavenly high vibe! Jupiter and Uranus only make an exact conjunction every 14 years—and it’s been 84 years since they united in your solar 12th house. So no, Gemini, this rare and powerful cycle is not one you should sleep on.


Reinvent your life

Now for the news you’ve been waiting over a decade to hear! On May 25, lucky Jupiter kisses Uranus goodbye and zooms ahead into Gemini and your trailblazing first house—its home until June 9, 2025. Talk about making a fresh start! Jupiter only visits your sign every 10–12 years, and by the time its yearlong transit is through, you may hardly recognize yourself. Come out of hiding, Gemini, and greet the world. 


Hustle & flow

Okay, Gemini, before you start mapping out your Global Meditation Retreat Tour, let’s talk about Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. With this cosmic odd couple spending their second of three years in your tenth house of professional ambition, you’ll still need to take care of business in 2024. This planetary pair elicits the “hustle†that goes along with the “flow.â€

Dreamy Neptune is the planet of fantasy, while heavy-handed Saturn traffics in cold, hard reality. In 2024, you can tap into both realms to achieve your Big Life Goals. We recommend starting with intuitive Neptune’s subconscious force. Let yourself dream as if anything were possible. Make a vision board and tune in to your deepest desires for your career.


Share your story

Where’ve you been hiding, Gemini? Jupiter isn’t the only planet luring you in and out of your cave this year. Pluto, the furtive ruler of the underworld, settles into Aquarius and your global, expansive ninth house for 20 whole years on November 19.

With Pluto in your ninth house—and in high-minded, experimental Aquarius, no less—you are the humble student ready to be filled with the divine wisdom of a spiritual teacher. And like someone who’s been shown the light, you may become the biggest proselytizer in town! Turn on the camera and hit record. When you share your story, you inspire others to heal. In your outspoken ninth house, transformer Pluto no longer makes you secretive, but rather confessional—in a vulnerable, authentic way that moves people to action.


Shine as part of a supergroup

If you’re ready to form your dream team, Gemini, you’re in luck. All year long, the lunar North and South Node will help with your casting process and bring magic to collaborations. Since July 17, 2023 (and until January 11, 2025), these karmic destiny points in the sky teach a masterclass in how to use your goddess-given charm, beauty and passion to forward an important cause.

Gemini 2024 horoscope for love

Who’s got your back when the cameras stop rolling? You’re looking for more than a good time in 2024—not that you have to sacrifice fun to have a serious relationship. It’s just that you need…depth, compassion, emotional intelligence. Is that too much to ask for? Absolutely not. But it will require some discipline.

With Jupiter in your spiritually guided twelfth house (Taurus) until May 25, you simply can’t fake an attraction—nor can you hide one, at least not from the person of interest. This Jupiter cycle, which comes around every twelve years, is known for connecting soulmates and twin flames. You might be one of the lucky ones in 2024!

Gemini 2024 lucky dates for love: 

  • June 4
  • September 15
  • December 1

Gemini 2024 horoscope for money & career

There’s no escaping the hustle this year as driven Saturn spends all of 2024 in Pisces and your tenth house of professional success. With the taskmaster planet at the crown of your chart, you could find yourself surrounded by VIPs and ballers all year long. The Law of Attraction planet, Neptune, is also in Pisces this year, which could bring fateful encounters with people who want to invest in your brilliance!

The destiny-driven North Node spends the year in Aries and your collaborative eleventh house. Teamwork makes the Gemini dream work in 2024! What’s your big moneymaking idea? Are you spearheading a project? Use your people skills to corral a talented squad. While some people may come and go, by the time the year is through, you could have your core crew locked in for a shared victory.

Gemini 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • January 20
  • June 4
  • August 14

Planets in Gemini in 2024

The following planets visit Gemini in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Gemini: May 20 to June 20, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Gemini new moon: June 6, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Gemini full moon: December 15, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit, and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Gemini: June 3 to 17, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Gemini: May 23 to June 17, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Mars in Gemini: July 20 to September 4, 2024

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign. But check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Jupiter in Gemini: May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025 (Retrograde October 9, 2024 to February 4, 2025)

How lucky can you get? Bountiful Jupiter visits your sign once every 10-12 years, blessing you with extra fortune. Everything’s exciting…and extra! Take calculated risks but avoid gambles.

Cancer 2024 horoscope overview: Selectivity

Now they see you, now they don’t! Your best magic trick in 2024 is your uncanny ability to pull a disappearing act, only to reappear when people least expect it. When it comes to how you spend your time and energy, you want full control. This is not the time for compromising, Cancer, but rather, negotiating out-of-the-box solutions that make everyone happy. Patience for the process is required.

Top 5 themes for Cancer in 2024


Experiment socially

Look who’s rising to the top of the popularity charts! The first half of 2024 is all about community for you, Cancer. Until May 25, adventure-seeking Jupiter communes with experimental Uranus in Taurus and your collaborative eleventh house. With this iconoclastic planetary pair firing up your social side, you’re the furthest cry from being the shy and reserved Cancer stereotype.

The downside? Getting your RDA of restorative alone time will take effort. The upside? You may learn the fine art of diplomatic boundary-setting before 2024’s halfway through. The trick to riding this year’s socially active wave like a pro-surfer is this: Schedule your downtime the same way you would a client pitch meeting or brunch with your college roommates. To ensure that you don’t book up every free second, create slots in your calendar for solo self-care.


Devote time to healing & creativity

Careful, Cancer! While your solo time will be rich and imaginative, you can also grow isolated and blue. True, it may be necessary for you to dial back some of your community engagement, but don’t make the mistake of clearing your schedule completely. Instead, be selectively social. Find group activities that nourish your soul: spiritual book clubs, sound baths, memoir-writing workshops. Be a full-stop culture vulture, deepening your connection to music and the arts. With Jupiter in your numinous twelfth house, seeing a live show could be a metaphysical experience.


Get entrepreneurial (and maybe get published)

CEO of Cancer, Inc.? You could add this distinguished title to your CV in 2024 with the help of masterful Saturn who’s accompanying dreamweaving Neptune through Pisces all year. While these planets are basically opposites—Saturn’s a boundary hound and Neptune dissolves boundaries—their combined powers shake up an intoxicating cocktail in your ninth house of entrepreneurship, publishing, travel and higher education.


Invest in key relationships

Intensifying Pluto weaves back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, the rulers of your seventh house of commitment and eighth house of joint ventures and investments. On November 19, the icy dwarf planet settles into Aquarius for 20 uninterrupted years. The message? Let your loyalties be known! And when it comes to proving that you’ve got someone’s back, actions speak louder than words. Show up for your people—without, of course, sacrificing your own well-being in the process. It’s not about draining your resources by giving them all your fish. Teach them your secrets for baiting the hook and finding the richest waters in which to drop their line. That kind of sharing is absolutely priceless.


Rise up as a heart-centered leader

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to pour a new mold for leaders. It’s one that cherishes the human family rather than propping up a few favorite sons. How can you invite in a chorus of individual voices, all singing in harmony? That’s a huge and potentially unanswerable question, but one that you can start to chip away at in 2024.

The source of this cosmic calling? All year long, the lunar nodes, two points in the sky associated with karmic healing and destiny, stretch from the peaceful Libra South Node and your nurturing fourth house toward the North Node in Aries and your tenth house of public leadership. Your touchy-feely home base (the fourth house) is the springboard for the type of role model you want to be (the tenth house).

Cancer 2024 horoscope for love

Tear up the script, Cancer! With limitless Jupiter spending the year in your experimental eleventh house (Taurus) and your fantasy- fueled twelfth (Gemini), there are sure to be some thrilling plot twists to your personal love story. One thing’s for sure: Spicy stuff happens when you meander away from your comfort zone.

Cancer 2024 lucky dates for love: 

  • February 22
  • June 17
  • October 8

Cancer 2024 horoscope for money & career

Jupiter, the galactic gambler, is spending the first half of 2024 in Taurus and your sci-fi eleventh house, pushing you into edgier terrain when it comes to your fiscal strategies. Look to the future, Crab! Crypto, AI and all things Silicon Valley may seem like a big risk—and we can’t say that you’re wrong. But perhaps you could devote a portion of your long-term savings plan toward these potentially high-return categories? At the very least, this is your year to learn all that you can about maximizing your money and making it work for you.

Another cosmic force pushing you toward the future: Wealth-agent Pluto, who spends most of the year in innovative, scientific Aquarius. On November 19, Pluto hunkers down in this sign until 2044, which could lead you to a treasure trove of investment opportunities. Since Pluto rules the underworld, you can get in on the ground floor—or possibly the basement, where ideas are created in secret.

Cancer 2024 lucky dates for money: 

Planets in Cancer in 2024

The following planets visit Cancer in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Cancer: June 20 to July 22, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Cancer new moon: July 5, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Cancer full moon: None in 2024!

No full moons in Cancer this year, but don’t worry! One on December 26, 2023, and another on January 13, 2025, means you’ll bookend 2024 with their manifesting mojo.

Mercury in Cancer: June 17 to July 2, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Cancer: June 17 to July 11, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Mars in Cancer: September 4 to November 3, 2024

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign. But check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Leo 2024 horoscope overview: Rise up!

From the boardroom to the bedroom, Leo, it’s all about who you know in 2024. All year long, planets push you to pair up, team up and collaborate for the win!

Life is anything but a spectator sport, thanks to adventurous Jupiter’s journey through Taurus and your tenth house of public prestige and leadership. With the red-spotted planet soaring alongside changemaker Uranus in Taurus until May 25, you’ll be recognized for your unique gifts. Bask in the glory, but don’t stand still. Your leadership is wanted now! That special blend of passion, power and playfulness is a heady brew that has the power to wake people up and get them into action.

Top 5 themes for Leo in 2024


Smash through the (glass) ceiling

Whether it’s made of glass or covered with energy-efficient solar panels, the ceiling can’t hold you in 2024, Leo! For the first half of the year, limitless Jupiter teams up with innovative Uranus in Taurus. Together, they ride the express elevator to the top of your chart, AKA your tenth house of career, public prestige and achievement. Get ready to ascend to new heights in your career!


Assemble your soul squad

Do you play well with others, Leo? Here’s hoping, because starting May 25, the Lion Squad is about to add some new recruits. Break out the metaphoric finger paints, Play-Doh and Barbie Dreamhouse. For the first time since mid-2013, expansive Jupiter sails into Gemini, setting up shop in your eleventh house of community, collaboration and innovation until June 9, 2025. The fun begins in 3, 2, 1…

Not only is your popularity set to soar, Leo, but people around the world will clamor for your attention. Thanks to Jupiter’s far-flung influence, you’ll have fans and friends in every port before the year is through. And if that global family is already in place? Get back in touch with your long-lost peeps in the second half of 2024. Travel plans fall into place quickly, whether you’re taking a series of trips or organizing one epic reunion.


Get into bed with the right people

Who you get into bed with matters mightily this year, Leo. From your erotic escapades to your adventures in the business world, once you’re involved with people, it won’t be easy to disengage. The reason for this? All year long, no-joke Saturn teams up with “master of illusions†Neptune in Pisces and your eighth house of sex, permanent partnerships and joint financial investments.


Tune up the health of your relationships

Existing relationships get a health check as plumb-the-depths Pluto weaves back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, the rulers of your sixth house of wellness and your seventh house of partnerships, respectively. Get real about relationship imbalances, Leo! If you’ve slipped into martyr mode, your time playing Best Supporting Castmate is officially up.


Find a global platform for your message

Hear ye, hear ye! If you have something wise, witty and important to say (and when don’t you, Leo?), the cosmos hands you a golden megaphone…and a matching mic to drop. All year long, the lunar North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra are positioned across your communication axis, powering your words with extra punch. And with three of 2024’s four eclipses also landing in Aries and Libra, there’s no telling what might come out of your mouth. Since we’re fairly certain you don’t want to get canceled, think of this as an invitation to refine and define your communications.

Leo 2024 horoscope for love

Neptune spends the entire year in bed with Saturn, rolling around in Pisces and your tantric, transformational eighth house. These planets are essentially opposite in their influence. Neptune rules illusions; Saturn rules reality. Neptune dissolves boundaries; Saturn’s boundaries are made of steel. Neptune is an escape artist; Saturn is all about adulting.

Romantic range is required in 2024! So is a responsible attitude. In the year ahead, you will learn the true meaning of commitment as you support a partner at a level that perhaps you never have in the past. Show up for your person and if you’re single, put the focus on attracting someone who is a natural team player.

Leo 2024 lucky dates for love: 

  • January 3
  • February 22
  • November 20

Leo 2024 horoscope for money & career

Your two-part formula for success in 2024? Mix one scoop of inspiration with a large dose of innovation and shake vigorously! Yes, Leo, you may officially become a “disruptor†in your industry, thanks to an ultra-rare union of enterprising Jupiter and eccentric Uranus in your tenth house of career success.

These two planets have been moving closer and closer to each other since Jupiter joined Uranus in Taurus on May 16, 2023. While this may have brought swift and sudden shifts in your professional life, we’d be willing to bet you kick off 2024 feeling like a badass thought leader and a cutting-edge risk taker!

Leo 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • January 20
  • May 18
  • September 17

Planets in Leo in 2024

The following planets visit Leo in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Leo: July 22 to August 22, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Leo new moon: August 4, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Leo full moon: January 25, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Leo: July 2 to 15, 2024, August 14 to September 9, 2024 (Retrograde August 14-28, 2024)

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep, especially while Mercury is retrograde in Leo from August 14-28.

Venus in Leo: July 11 to August 4, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Mars in Leo: November 3, 2024 to January 6, 2025 (Retrograde December 6, 2024 to January 6, 2025)

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign. But check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong, especially while Mars is retrograde in Leo from December 6 to January 6, 2025.

Virgo 2024 horoscope overview: Versatility

Feet on the ground, head in the stars: That’s how you’re rolling into 2024, Virgo! This year brings a unique set of stretching exercises as you figure out how to blend your wealth of practical wisdom with your out-of-this-world ambition. Good thing you’re one of the zodiac’s mutable signs. Versatility is your secret weapon for success!

Let’s start with the fun part—all the places you will go. (Ohhhh!) As the year opens up, wisdom seekers Jupiter and Uranus are journeying together through Taurus and your ninth house of global adventures. Until May 25, these free spirits direct your attention far beyond anything (or anywhere!) that’s comfortable and familiar. Whether you’re traveling, studying or learning a whole new way to do business, immerse yourself in every experience.

Top 5 themes for Virgo in 2024


Broaden your reach

Big Visionary Energy? You’ll have no shortage of that in 2024. But forget about manifesting in your preferred, methodical fashion. Jupiter is the galactic gambler who increases your risk appetite and says, “Go big or go home!†Side-spinning Uranus wants you to break molds before you make them (or even think about pouring a single prototype). Basically, Virgo, you’re being asked to work in a way that’s diametrically opposed to your core nature.


Go pro

Ready to taste the sweetness of success? Your professional life could rocket into a whole new orbit starting May 25, when bountiful Jupiter soars into Gemini and charges up your goal-getting tenth house until June 9, 2025. Luck is on your side wherever Jupiter goes, but the victories you experience after May 25 won’t be a happy accident. Rather, they’re the actualization of all those years of hard work and leadership you’ve put in. When Jupiter rises to the top of your solar chart (the tenth house) every 12 years, you sweep up all your merit-based achievements and position yourself as an expert and industry go-to. What do you want to be known 


Be fluid with relationships

Two steps forward, one step back? Your closest relationships sway through this awkward dance all year, as fluid Neptune and rigid Saturn fumble together in Pisces and your seventh house of partnerships. Talk about a paradox! Spiritual Neptune is the planet of dreams and illusions, known for dissolving boundaries. Strict Saturn is a no-nonsense realist who enforces boundaries like a border-patrol agent. Can you feel the contradiction here?

Emotional agility will be required to navigate this complex cosmic choreography. What do you want from relationships, Virgo? Some of your hard-and-fast rules could change in significant ways this year.


Make green glamorous

Ready to swap fussy glamour for low-maintenance cool? Don’t raise your freshly threaded eyebrows too high, Virgo. By the time 2024 is through, metamorphic Pluto will be on an uninterrupted, 20-year journey through Aquarius and your sustainable sixth house (AKA “the Virgo house.â€). Clean, green and serene could suddenly become the top-three must-haves on your checklist.


Manage your resources strategically

You work hard for your money, Virgo, but as that old chestnut goes, is your money working hard for you? With the lunar nodes stretching across your fiscal axis all year, you’re getting a master class in financial planning. Whether you’re the type of Virgo who pinches pennies or the one who never saw a sample-sale treasure you could resist, 2024 may be the year that you completely reconfigure your fiscal strategy.

Virgo 2024 horoscope for love

Little known astro-fact: Virgos are some of the most hopeless romantics in the zodiac! Chalk it up to your innocent spirit. No matter how many times Cupid misfires his arrows, you manage to restore your heart to its virgin state, then revive your dream of finding a perfect love. Yes, it’s “a process.†But when isn’t it for you, Virgo?

This year is different. With stoic Saturn in Pisces from March 7, 2023 to February 13, 2026, you’re feeling wiser and a lot more grounded when it comes to affairs of the heart.

Virgo 2024 lucky dates for love: 

  • January 11
  • April 3
  • October 4

Virgo 2024 horoscope for money & career

Adopt a growth mindset! In 2024, your entire vision of work and wealth might expand in a new direction—one that you couldn’t predict in your data-tracking app or on a spreadsheet. Through May 25, abundant Jupiter and spontaneous Uranus travel together through Taurus and your worldly, entrepreneurial ninth house. Study business models that don’t require you to hustle and grind.

Virgo 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • March 25
  • June 4
  • September 15

Planets in Virgo in 2024

The following planets visit Virgo in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Virgo: August 22 to September 22, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Virgo new moon: September 2, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Virgo full moon: February 24, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Virgo: July 25 to August 14 and September 9 to 26, 2024 (Retrograde August 5 to 14, 2024)

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social. Reconnect to old friends during the retrograde.

Venus in Virgo: August 4 to 29, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It-Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Libra 2024 horoscope overview: Buried treasure

As the zodiac’s pacifist, it’s not often that you let yourself confront the stormier end of the emotional spectrum. You prefer to keep things “all love,†often suppressing necessary conflicts in an effort to keep the peace. Well, Libra, how’s that working out for you? Holding up the weight of the world is just…exhausting. Let yourself off the hook!

Love cannot exist without its opposite which, this year, is not fear, but rather, genuine rage. We’re not suggesting you become a hateful, angry person. But with the karmic South Node journeying through Libra all year—a once-every-two-decades transit—you need to go down to the bottom of your own “emotion ocean†to find the buried treasure. Permission to experience it ALL, granted!

Top 5 themes for Libra in 2024


Explore your mysterious side & your erotic nature

Lust, trust and high doses of transformational intensity? Bring it on. Even light and breezy Libras would rather be rolling in the deep for the first half of 2024. After all, there’s magic in those shadows. That’s a lesson your sign has been learning since May 16, 2023, when philosophical Jupiter dove down to meet metaphysical Uranus in Taurus and your eighth house of deep bonding, sizzling seduction and financial power-plays.

Across the board, a new part of your personality is likely to emerge.


Become a citizen of the world

Ready to lighten up, Libra? The glass won’t just be half full, but overflowing with possibilities, starting May 25. As Jupiter leaves Uranus behind, the abundant, optimistic planet zooms into Gemini for a fortuitous, yearlong trek through your global ninth house (its happiest zodiac zone). Let your worldwide expansion begin, Libra!


Tune up your health, inside & out

Glowing good health continues to be both an inside and outside job in 2024. All year long, therapeutic Neptune and body-focused Saturn continue their journey together through Pisces that began on March 7, 2023 and lasts until February 13, 2026. With your sixth house of wellness, work and service getting energized, it all comes down to developing sustainable daily routines. With structured Saturn’s help, you can dial down the stress and increase productivity by putting savvy systems in place.


Wear your heart (and your art!) on your sleeve

Your hidden talents are coming to light, Libra—get serious about them! On January 20, metamorphic Pluto transits into Aquarius and your fifth house of fame, glamour and creative expression, picking up a cycle that began briefly in 2023 (from March 23 to June 11). Although Pluto is the planet of mystery and spiritual evolution, your “inner work†could be a lot more public over the next two decades. Wear your heart and your art on your sleeve. Some Libras will rise up as cultural icons and fashion royalty of the new era. Circulate frequently, and you could position yourself as a thought leader and go-to expert in your field.


Reconfigure relationship goals

There’s no getting around it, Libra: In 2024, you’ll have some shadow work to do. All year long, the moon’s karmic South Node is flowing through your sign. Time to face those persistent demons and break past your own self-imposed blocks. Not the easiest stuff! Fortunately, this cycle only hits once every 18.5 years. And since it began last July 17, 2023, you’re already acquainted with the challenges and epiphanies the South Node in your sign can bring. Keep pushing through this profound exploration. You’ll be the stronger person for it when this transit ends on January 11, 2025.

Libra 2024 horoscope for love

Soulful sexiness is the name of the game for Libras in 2024. But that won’t be achieved by cueing up a playlist heavy on the Frank Ocean and Adele. Until May 25, philosophical Jupiter and radical Uranus team up in Taurus and your transformational, introspective and erotically charged eighth house. If you want to pave the way for a sultrier future—one where true intimacy is possible—you’ll need to dig into some darker corners of your past.

Libra 2024 lucky dates for love:

  • February 22
  • May 23
  • September 15

Libra 2024 horoscope for money & career

You work hard for your money, Libra, and 2024’s a year to make your money work just as hard for you. As the year dawns, enterprising Jupiter and innovative Uranus are on the trading floor of your eighth house (Taurus), turning your attention to investments. If you’re asking, “What investments? I can’t afford to make those,†then you are exactly the Libra who needs to be reading this.

With your luxe tastes and cravings for comfort, it can be easy to live beyond your means. Even the high-income-generating Libras out there are prone to burning cash as fast as they earn it. And oh, how stressful that can be! Jupiter and Uranus are here to shake things up and change your money mindset. What if “treating yourself†looked like automatically adding a percentage of each paycheck to a diversified brokerage account with compounding interest?

Libra 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • May 18
  • September 15
  • October 8

Planets in Libra in 2024

The following planets visit Libra in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Libra: September 22 to October 22, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Libra new moon and annual solar eclipse: October 2, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action. Since this is a game-changing solar eclipse, plant your seeds with extra care—in the most fertile places you can find.

Libra full moon and lunar eclipse: March 25, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards. Since this one’s a lunar eclipse, results may surprise you. Stay open to the unexpected!

Mercury in Libra: September 26 to October 13, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social, but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Libra: August 29 to September 22, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon—and your ruler—charges up your powers of seduction each year. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending and indulgences!

South Node in Libra: July 17, 2023 to January 11, 2025

Life feels both surreal and karmic when the lunar South Node backs up through your sign (for 18 months) every 18.5 years. Surrender to the vision quest and prepare to let go of unworkable habits. This will all make sense when this emotionally enriching cycle ends.

Scorpio 2024 horoscope overview: Join forces

Partner up, Scorpio! In 2024, joining forces can light the path to your liberation. That might sound like a paradox, especially for someone who takes relationships as seriously as you do. But stay with us here. When you’re paired up with someone who gives as good as they get, life takes on a mood of what we like to call “contagious ease.â€

While two is your magic number this year, don’t worry! Your sacred solo time is also getting support from the planets. Your cosmic ruler, evolutionary Pluto, is settling into a twenty-year transit through Aquarius and your private, domestic fourth house. And with the lunar nodes in your health and healing zones all year, being “at home†in your body and psyche will be a huge theme.

Top 5 themes for Scorpio in 2024


Love freely

Can love and freedom coexist? If 2024’s planets have anything to say about it, the answer is a resounding, “Hell, yes!†Until May 25, indie-spirited Jupiter and Uranus are on a liberation tour through Taurus and your seventh house of relationships. When it comes to your closest bonds, Scorpio, no one’s putting you in a box.


Reclaim your life-force energy

Spring awakening? Let’s go! Sultry, seductive Scorpio will be out in full force starting May 25, when, for the first time in 11 years, wild-child Jupiter swings into Gemini. Until June 9, 2025, the tantric titan charges up your erotic, intimate eighth house (AKA “the Scorpio houseâ€). With your kundalini rising, you’ll be a force of nature!


Enjoy a creative renaissance

Your imagination is a fertile landscape, Scorpio, and this year, the seeds you’ve been planting could bear impressive fruit! If you’ve been waiting patiently for your harvest, 2024 could bring a long-awaited bounty. Masterminding this vision are diligent Saturn and dreamy Neptune. All year long (and until February 13, 2026), this cosmic odd couple cruises through Pisces together. As they unite their polar-opposite energies in your fifth house of passion, self-expression and romance, they help you bring the intangible into form.


Make your house feel like a home

Now for the biggest news of 2024: On January 20, your galactic guardian, transformational Pluto, sets up shop in Aquarius and your fourth house of home, family and roots for twenty years! This is a huge deal, one that will shape your life immensely between now and January 19, 2044. The next two decades will help you create a space that feels like your sacred oasis. If you need to repair issues with relatives or work through ancestral trauma (or both), a deep healing journey commences.


Treat your body like a temple

Heal your body, clear your mind: Those are #2024Goals for you, Scorpio, at least if the lunar nodes have anything to say about it. All year long, the moon’s North Node will be parked in Aries and your sixth house of wellness, service and healthy routines. The North Node sets your stretch goal, and this year, it’s all about reconnecting to your physical wellbeing and making your daily workflow manageable.

Meanwhile, the lunar South Node—which reveals old patterns that need to be broken—is moving through Libra and your detoxifying, spiritual and transitional twelfth house. Your 2024 “make better†mission is as much an inside-out job as an outside-in one. It works holistically: Moving your body gets stuck energy flowing, which, in turn, is sure to dissolve some bottled-up feelings. As you release those emotions, you feel lighter and more energized. See how that works?

Scorpio 2024 horoscope for love

Step off the sidelines! Love is an interactive sport for you in 2024. Scorpios tend to be comfortable in the role of the quiet observer, the patient listener, the unwavering supporter. But getting vulnerable and receiving the same in return? Mmm, not so much.

Get ready for a sea change, Scorpio! This year, you may roundly embrace the spirit of give and take in your love life. Daring Jupiter and experimental Uranus open the year as copilots in your seventh house of relationships, sailing together until May 25. Commitments could grow more serious in the first half of 2024. What does the “next step†look like for you? Taking the leap won’t feel so scary this year; in fact, it could yield the very excitement your soul is craving.

Scorpio 2024 lucky dates for love:

  • May 18
  • September 17
  • October 15

Scorpio 2024 horoscope for money & career

Savvy Scorpios know all that glitters ain’t gold. But as dreamy Neptune and stabilizing Saturn spend 2024 in Pisces and your glamorous fifth house, it’s okay to admit that you want nice things—even if you buy them refurbished or upcycled as part of your commitment to zero waste.

Your career can benefit from strategic alliances in 2024! Lucky, enterprising Jupiter is sailing through your partnership zone (Taurus) until May 25. Whether you’re collaborating with an individual or a business, make a point of formalizing any deals that feel like they can go the distance.

Scorpio 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • February 22
  • June 4
  • October 8

Planets in Scorpio in 2024

The following planets visit Scorpio in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Scorpio: October 22 to November 21, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Scorpio new moon: November 1, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Scorpio full moon: April 23, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Scorpio: October 13 to November 2, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social, but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Scorpio: September 22 to October 17, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction each year. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Sagittarius 2024 horoscope overview: *Tap, tap* Is this mic on?

Spontaneous Sagittarius, get ready for a sea change! No longer will you be able to fly by the seat of your low-slung denim; well, not if you want to stand solidly on your own two feet. The planets are calling you to do something wildly out of character in 2024: Slow down and plan.

You get to be the star too, Sagittarius. All year long, the destiny-driven North Node shines in Aries and your fifth house of fame. This glamorous, romantic cycle could put your name on the map, but not just for any old reason. Use your voice to elevate and energize. It’s time to be known for the things you care about the most!

Top 5 themes for Sagittarius in 2024


Health is wealth

Salud, Sagittarius! Raise a glass of good cheer to your health—maybe a large pour of ionized alkaline water? The year is off to a clean, green start as your ruler, vital Jupiter, rides shotgun with edgy Uranus through Taurus until May 25. Together, they’re charging up your sixth house of wellness, fitness and streamlined living, motivating you to whip your life into amazing shape. Having robust Jupiter in earthy Taurus provides an inside-out glow up. Get ready to tap into the kind of vitality and strength you haven’t felt in years. 


Grow through relationships

Get ready to enroll in “Relationship University.†Your closest interactions become the best training ground for your personal growth while Jupiter tours Gemini until June 9, 2025. All the self-study and meditation in the world cannot prepare you for the kind of on-the-court expansion that engaging with other people provides.


Stabilize your foundation

Matters at home could be a bit of a head trip this year, Sagittarius; in fact, they have been since early last year—March 7, 2023, to be exact. That’s when anchored Saturn joined free-flowing Neptune in Pisces and your fourth house of domestic affairs. These two planets couldn’t be any more opposite if they tried! Saturn is all about boundaries and hardcore reality. Neptune is the planet of dreams and is also the notorious boundary dissolver. As they continue their shared journey for all of 2024—and until February 13, 2026—you’ll find it challenging to feel fully rooted, even if you’ve been living in the same place for years.


Refine your messaging

Got something important to say? You wouldn’t be a wise, philosophical Sagittarius if you didn’t. And this year, you’ll score as many points for depth as you will for your snarky wit. Beginning January 20, subterranean Pluto moves into Aquarius and your third house of communication, picking up a cycle that began briefly in 2023 (from March 23 to June 11). As a slow-moving outer planet, Pluto’s sign changes only happen every 12 to 20 years, affecting entire generations. So yes, this is a huge deal! The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798, in fact.


Claim your fame

Whether you’re livestreaming from your living room or stepping onstage in front of an arena, like Sagittarius Taylor Swift, it’s time to claim your fame! All year long, the moon’s destiny-dusted North Node works its magic in Aries and your spotlight-stealing fifth house. Hiding your shine is just…impossible.

Sagittarius 2024 horoscope for love

Get out of your head and into your heart, Sagittarius. Hesitant to go there? We can’t blame you. With all the feelings locked in its chambers, that might sound like a tall order in 2024.

All year long, the lunar North Node is traveling through Aries and your fifth house of passion, romance and fearless expression. This cycle only comes around every 18 to 20 years. Embrace this tune-up for your ticker. Get intimately acquainted with your desires, but don’t stop there. This year, you’ll learn to express them in an invitational way. For your fiery, impatient sign, this could take practice.

Sagittarius 2024 lucky dates for love:

  • June 4
  • September 15
  • November 4

Sagittarius 2024 horoscope for money & career

Let’s start with the best news of all, Sagittarius: 2024 is the last year ever in your lifetime that shadowy, domineering Pluto in Capricorn haunts your second house of money and material possessions. You’ve felt the icy dwarf planet’s grip over your finances since 2008, which has no doubt brought intense lessons about earning and burning cash. After November 19, this planet and sign are, as Sagittarius Taylor Swift sings, “never ever getting back together†in our lifetime. Hallelujah!

Helping you get finances back on an even keel is your ruling planet, bountiful Jupiter. Until May 25, it continues its tour through Taurus and your sixth house of steady work and successful systems. When Jupiter heads into Gemini from May 25 until June 9, 2025, profitable partnerships could flood in from every corner of the globe!

Sagittarius 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • January 12
  • May 18
  • September 15

Planets in Sagittarius in 2024

The following planets visit Sagittarius in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Sagittarius: November 21 to December 21, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Sagittarius new moon: December 1, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Sagittarius full moon: May 23, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Sagittarius: January 1 to 13, 2024 and November 2, 2024 to January 8, 2025 (Retrograde November 25 to December 15, 2024)

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social. But don’t make promises you can’t keep, especially during the retrograde!

Venus in Sagittarius: October 17 to November 11, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction each year. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your indulging and spending!

Mars in Sagittarius: November 24, 2023 to January 4, 2024

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign every couple years—but check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Capricorn 2024 horoscope overview: Power up!

There’s no stopping a Capricorn from making plans for the future, but get ready for a (Sea Goat) sea change. In 2024, the most compelling magic will be found in the present moment. Stop, drop and look around. You’ve been overlooking some amazing things!

Don’t worry, Capricorn: Embracing “the power of now†won’t make you less productive, nor will it diminish your level of hard-won success. But it will enrich your quality of life—and ideally, get you back in touch with the artiste living within you.

With indie-spirits Jupiter and Uranus rolling together through your romantic, playful and creative fifth house until May 25, that won’t be hard. 2024 could bring the hottest fun that you’ve had in years!

But the best news of 2024? On November 19, shadow-worker Pluto leaves your sign for good, ending a “dark night of the soul†that began back in 2008. After 16 years of lessons that brought you to your knees, you will emerge like a powerhouse, ready to take on the world!

Top 5 themes for Capricorn in 2024


Step into the spotlight

Why snag 15 minutes of fame when the planets are serving you almost five months to take the main stage? Until May 25, daredevils Jupiter and Uranus duet in Taurus, spotlighting your passionate, flamboyant, creative fifth house. If you seize the moment, the attention you garner could turn into a far longer run in the public eye. Although your modest sign isn’t totally comfortable being the center of attention, you’re shining too brightly for anyone to ignore you.


Give your body some love

Just before summer begins, you switch from “regent of the hive†to the busiest bee in town. On May 25, maximizer Jupiter swirls into Gemini for the first time in over a decade, activating your sixth house of work and healthy routines for an entire year.


Go deeper in friendships

Is it better to be liked or respected? That age-old question weighs heavily on your mind in 2024, as your ruler, serious Saturn, syncs with compassionate Neptune in Pisces and your social third house. No need to choose! Just draw yourself a Venn diagram and find the overlap. People who like and respect you are the ones to pay close attention to now. And if you like and respect them in return? Invest your energy there.


Simplify your lifestyle

And now for the best news of 2024, Capricorn: After 16 intense years of prolonged shadow work, subterranean Pluto is finally leaving your sign for good this November 19. You’ve been the unwitting host of the icy dwarf planet since 2008, which has no doubt put you through the wringer. By the end of 2024, you’ll be on the other side, a graduate of this astrological hero’s journey.


Balance duties between work & home

Domestic goddess? Shameless homebody? Interior design star Sophisticated Capricorns have impeccable taste, but your home life often takes a backseat to your career aspirations. Not so in 2024! In fact, that script got flipped on July 17, 2023 when the lunar North Node positioned itself in Aries and your domestic, family-friendly fourth house for a year and a half.

What are you cooking up behind the closed doors of the Capricorn Castle? Plenty, if the North Node has anything to say about it. This point in the sky is like a beacon, pointing you toward a primary area of growth. No guilt if your favorite slippers become more of a footwear staple than your Prada loafers. While the North Node lounges here until January 11, 2025, home is where your heart is.

Capricorn 2024 horoscope for love

As 2024 kicks off, you are hereby invited to break out your fetish wear, Kama Sutra manual and all your kinky toys. No-limits Jupiter and experimental Uranus are entwined in a sultry dance through Taurus and your passionate, playful fifth house until May 25. This could set off some serious fireworks in your love life! Lead your playmate to the bedroom—or wherever you want to set the scene.

Capricorn 2024 lucky dates for love:

  • January 28
  • May 18
  • October 8

Capricorn 2024 horoscope for money & career

Quelle surprise, Capricorn! Career and money are the cherry on top of your 2024 sundae, rather than the sundae itself. This year’s planets will keep you humming along in a productive groove, which you’ll find quite satisfying. But you’ll also long to set boundaries around your office hours this year so you can get out and enjoy other parts of your life.

There are several factors driving this new approach to your professional trajectory. For one thing, the lunar South Node is on sabbatical in tranquil Libra and your tenth house of career. Work-life balance is no longer an elusive concept under this transit’s watch. This year, resting and nesting become integral to your ability to motivate. What if you could find greater success by working fewer hours? That’s not just a possibility in 2024; it’s a goal worth setting.

Capricorn 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • January 12
  • June 4
  • October 2

Planets in Capricorn in 2024

The following planets visit Capricorn in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Capricorn: December 21, 2023 to January 20, 2024 and December 21, 2023 to January 20, 2025

It’s birthday season for you—at the start and finish of every year—so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during these radiant monthlong phases.

Capricorn new moons: January 11 and December 30, 2024

With TWO new moons in Capricorn bookending 2024, you will begin and end the year like a fearless trailblazer! With each new moon, set intentions for following next six months and get into action.

Capricorn full moons: June 21 and July 21, 2024

Boom! You also get TWO back-to-back full moons in 2024, blessing you with double the manifesting mojo. Your work bears a bumper crop of fruit, so harvest the rewards—twice!

Mercury in Capricorn: January 13 to February 4, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Capricorn: January 23 to February 16, 2024 and November 11 to December 7, 2024

You’ve got double the romantic It Factor as the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction TWICE this year. Willpower is weak in the face of luxury. Watch your spending!

Mars in Capricorn: January 4 to February 13, 2024

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign every couple years—but check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Pluto in Capricorn: June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024 and September 1 to November 19, 2024 (Retrograde September 1 to October 11, 2024)

Talk about an evolution! Your soul has undergone a profound metamorphosis since Pluto entered your sign in 2008—a transit that only happens every 248 years. In this final year of Pluto’s passage through Capricorn, parts of your identity may burn away as you rise like a phoenix into a new chapter of life.

Aquarius 2024 horoscope overview: Transformation

Get ready for a year of profound transformation, Aquarius, one that’s bound to be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced in the past. Mystical, evolutionary Pluto is officially drifting into your sign, awakening hidden parts of your personality and shaping you into a powerful leader for the Age of Aquarius. Yes, it’s officially your time!

But this is not an overnight transition. Pluto tours Aquarius from January 20 to September 1. Then, on November 19, it plants itself in your sign for two decades, until January 19, 2044! Expect to feel both stimulated and out of sorts as this cycle unfolds.

Top 5 themes for Aquarius in 2024


Create a home you love

Plant deeper roots or pack up to play digital nomad for a year? You may feel pulled in both directions for the first half of 2024, Aquarius! Jetsetter Jupiter teams up with experimental Uranus (your ruler) until May 25. This could have you craving far-flung vistas and a life that’s “scheduled†according to island time. But here’s where things get weird: Because these expansive planets are co-piloting through Taurus and your fourth house of home and family, you won’t feel at peace without creature comforts and a nest that’s designed to your custom specs.


Step into the spotlight

Ready to see your name in lights? Or maybe rolling through film credits…or attached to a world-changing social-impact project? Whatever fame looks like for you, Aquarius, start visualizing it! This May 25, worldly, expansive Jupiter heads into Gemini for the first time in over a decade. With the red-spotted planet energizing your passionate, playful and public fifth house until June 9, 2025, your life turns into a talent show.


Make friends with your money

Stabilizing Saturn and sacrificial Neptune are both spending 2024 in Pisces and your material-minded second house; in fact, they’re synced up in this sign from March 7, 2023 until February 13, 2026. Energetically, these planets are basically opposites. Rigid Saturn likes clear rules and boundaries. Nebulous Neptune wants to flow freely and dissolve boundaries. Can you see the conflict of interest here?

While they’re sailing through the same seas, you have a golden opportunity to create a new plan (Saturn’s favorite word), one that allows you to save, spend and share your bounty while also taking care of your own needs.


Embrace a new identity

You say you want an evolution? Well, here it comes, Aquarius. On January 20—just in time for birthday season—metamorphic Pluto swings back into your sign and your first house of identity. Your sense of self is undergoing a palpable shift, one that will take 20 years to fully unfold.


Act locally

As blessed as your nest may feel this year, make sure you get out and mingle with the people in your neighborhood—and across the globe! All year long, the lunar nodes pique your curiosity in the world outside your front door. Whether you’re walking a few blocks or boarding a plane, you have an insatiable hunger for new experiences.

The North Node, which invites you to stretch beyond your comfort zone, spends the year in Aries and your third house of communication, cooperation and social activity—a transit that began on July 17, 2023 and lasts until January 11, 2025. Are there classes being taught at colleges, yoga studios or small businesses in the area? Are people gathering to support each other and help the community thrive? This sort of stuff is right up your world-bettering alley, Aquarius.

Aquarius 2024 horoscope for love

Buckle up, Aquarius. Love will take you on an interesting journey this year, one that’s equal parts passion-fueling and perspective-shifting. Lucky for you, Venus, the goddess of love herself, will take two circuits through your sign—from February 16 to March 11 and again from December 7 to January 2, 2025—basically bookending 2024 with romance and magic.

And that’s not all! In February, Venus travels in close connection with dance-partner Mars, making an exact hit on the 22nd—a day that has a triple shot of the partnership-powered numerological resonance of the number two: 2-22. Big decisions about relationships could be on the table early this year, especially with transformational Pluto (also in Aquarius) riding alongside Venus and Mars.

Aquarius 2024 lucky dates for love:

  • February 22
  • June 4
  • September 15

Aquarius 2024 horoscope for money & career

Here’s your recipe for financial success in 2024: 50 percent stabilization and 50 percent manifestation. For this, you can thank the odd-couple mashup of tangible Saturn and dreamy Neptune, who are spending the whole year together in Pisces and your second house of money and values.

Auditor Saturn is here to help you balance your books and create a sustainable budget. This year, you may need to tighten your belt or reorganize your life so that you’re setting aside enough cash for the future. (Ideally in a higher-interest-yielding account like a money market or index fund.) Enchanting Neptune is on a long roll through Pisces (from 2011 to 2026), so don’t forget to use the Law of Attraction as part of your manifestation game. While Saturn is staunchly realistic, Neptune is the planet of dreams and imagination.

Aquarius 2024 lucky dates for money:

Planets in Aquarius in 2024

The following planets visit Aquarius in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Aquarius: January 20 to February 18, 2024

It’s birthday season for you—at the start and finish of every year—so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during these radiant monthlong phases.

Aquarius new moon: February 9, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Aquarius full moon: August 19, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit and it’s time to harvest the rewards.

Mercury in Aquarius: February 5 to 23, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Aquarius: February 16 to March 11, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction each year. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Mars in Aquarius: February 13 to March 22, 2024

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign every couple years—but check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Pluto in Aquarius: January 20 to September 1, 2024 and November 19, 2024 to January 19, 2044 (Retrograde May 2 to September 1, 2024)

Evolve! Your soul undergoes a profound metamorphosis when intense, edgy Pluto visits your sign—a rare occurrence since this only happens about every 248 years. Certain parts of your identity may burn away as you rise like a phoenix from the ashes of anything you’ve lost or are leaving behind.

Pisces 2024 horoscope overview: Home in

For the first half of the year, adventure-seeking Jupiter and iconoclastic Uranus roll through Taurus and your third house of neighborhood activities. What’s happening in your neck of the woods, Pisces? Get involved! Making new friends is as easy as breathing for you in 2024. And in the first part of the year, your merry band of revelers could be quite the motley crew!

Now for the home that lives inside you—call it your spirit or your soul. A rich transformation is underway, as deep-diving Pluto returns to Aquarius and your twelfth house of divine inspiration. After 16 years in Capricorn and your communal eleventh house, Pluto parks in Aquarius for two decades. While this transit may unfold slowly, you may already feel a call to pursue your gifts as an artist, healer, coach or spiritual guide.

Top 5 themes for Pisces in 2024


Craft your communications

If you had 30 seconds to introduce yourself to a VIP, what would you tell them? Wait! Don’t answer that yet. Words rarely fail your poetic sign, but in 2024 you’re looking for more than a flowery stanza or a witty quip. It’s time to craft a cohesive message—one that represents your vision and values.

Lucky you! Until May 25, expansive, philosophical Jupiter and experimental, high-vibe Uranus are traveling in tandem through Taurus and your third house of communication. There couldn’t be a better pair of planets to help you refine your “communications strategy.â€


Expand your definition of “homeâ€

Click the heels of your ruby slippers, Pisces. On May 25, nomadic, adventurous Jupiter jets off to Gemini and your domestic fourth house for a year. And yes, this is bound to feel like a paradox. While you’ll definitely need a place to call your own, the concept of home may be a bit of a moving target until June 9, 2025. Embrace it! Some people might be freaked out by all this moving around. Not you. This is right up your alley, Pisces, since you love the idea of flowing from place to place. 


Get serious about a personal goal

Sturdy those shoulders of yours, Pisces. For the second year of three, heavy-hitting Saturn is planted in your sign—a transit that only comes around every 29.5 years. Since Saturn’s tour of Pisces began on March 7, 2023, life has felt a lot like boot camp. Responsibilities (ones you weren’t necessarily expecting) were heaped upon your plate. Achievements that once came easily to you have been effortful.

Don’t worry, Pisces. The universe does not have a vendetta against you! But you’re on a long, slow strength-training mission while Saturn submerges in your sign until February 13, 2026. Whatever you build now will arise as a result of daily, repetitive effort. And yes, patience will be required.


Invest in your healing & spirituality

It doesn’t take much convincing (if any), to lure a Pisces into the esoteric realm. But how deep are you willing to go? From January 20 to September 1, Pluto plunges into Aquarius and your twelfth house of imagination, spirituality and the unconscious. This previews a longer, twenty-year tour that begins again on November 19. You are hereby invited to submerge yourself into the bottomless well of soulful healing and mystical discovery. Let’s go!


Feed your sensual side

The physical realm is one that beckons this year—and yes, Pisces, connecting to it can be a pleasurable experience. All year long, the lunar North Node is planted in Aries and your tactile, terrestrial second house. In fact, this cycle began on July 17, 2023 and lasts until January 11, 2025. Slow down and relax. Doing so could be the key to everything, including your ability to manifest.

Pisces 2024 horoscope for love

Stop, drop and sink into your sensuality. Your body is a wonderland to explore with increasing interest in 2024. This heightened physical energy comes courtesy of the lunar nodes. Since July 17, 2023, these “destiny points†in the sky have been stretching from the South Node in Libra and your erotic eighth house into the North Node in Aries and your erogenous second house. While this cycle continues until January 11, 2025, it’s time to name, claim and embrace your sexuality!

Pisces 2024 lucky dates for love:

Pisces 2024 horoscope for money & career

What do you earn and how fast do you burn it? Your relationship with money goes through a karmic upgrade in 2024, so hang on to your wallet. All year long, the lunar nodes ping your axis of material possessions, fiscal security and long-term investments. Consider this your wake-up call from the universe to rethink the way you use your resources.

Pisces 2024 lucky dates for money:

  • June 4
  • September 15
  • November 27

Planets in Pisces in 2024

The following planets visit Pisces in 2024, with a brief excerpt about what it means.

Sun in Pisces: February 18 to March 19, 2024

It’s birthday season for you, so step out and shine! Seek novelty and take extra initiative during this radiant monthlong phase.

Pisces new moon: March 10, 2024

Bonus New Year! Set your intentions for the next six months and get into action.

Pisces full moon and lunar eclipse: September 17, 2024

Ready, set, manifest! Your work of the past six months bears fruit. Since this is a lunar eclipse, the results could surprise you. Stay open to magic as you reap the rewards!

Mercury in Pisces: February 23 to March 9, 2024

Crown yourself monarch of the social butterflies when popularity-boosting Mercury visits your sign once a year. Circulate and get social—but don’t make promises you can’t keep!

Venus in Pisces: March 11 to April 5, 2024

You’ve got the romantic It Factor when the galactic glamazon charges up your powers of seduction each year. Willpower is weak in the face of beauty and luxury. Watch your spending!

Mars in Pisces: March 22 to April 30, 2024

Motivation is high when energetic Mars visits your sign every couple years—but check your combative streak and try not to come on too strong.

Saturn in Pisces: March 7, 2023 to February 13, 2026 (Retrograde June 29 to November 15, 2024)

Discipline and focus is demanded as you stabilize the foundation of your life. When Saturn audits your sign every 29.5 years, it can feel like boot camp. But growth will be epic!

Neptune in Pisces: April 4, 2011 to January 26, 2026 (Retrograde July 2 to December 7, 2024)

You’re deep into this 15-year cycle of shifting identity and spiritual self-discovery. Continue to prioritize healing and internal work.

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