WWE’s Kelly Kelly opens up about fertility journey

Former WWE champion Kelly Kelly has revealed she is expecting twins via IVF

The 36-year-old professional wrestler and her husband of two years, Joe Coba have been open about their fertility journey, taking to her social media pages to reveal the news.

The couple explained in a sit-down interview with Entertainment Tonight‘s Cassie Dilaura that they had suffered a miscarriage in August 2021 and after trying for another baby they consulted an IVF specialist, Dr Aimiee Eyvazzadeh, who is based in San Francisco and known as the ‘egg whisperer’.

Kelly, whose real name is Barbie Blank, said when she did not fall pregnant naturally and finally realised she would need help, she began questioning herself.

She said: “I just feel this real sense of relief because you do think, as a woman, you’re like, ‘I’m meant to be able to carry a child.’

“For so long I have been telling my body to do something, and it’ll do it. And I feel like I was so hopeless in that moment that I couldn’t control this, and it was so frustrating.”

Kelly said she felt she wanted to be open about her journey as other women going through something similar could relate to it.

“Women, a lot of the time, don’t talk about it. And they are looked down upon. ‘Oh my, I have to resort to IVF because I can’t get pregnant and I don’t want people to know that. I want people to think I am perfect and everything is great’. And I was like, ‘I want to take these women along with me.”

Kelly also revealed that the day the embryos were transferred was her late father’s birthday, something she feels was deeply significant.

Her father, Ron, died of a rare brain cancer in 2018.

She said: “He was there with us. I felt him holding my other hand. It couldn’t have been more perfect. I just feel like everything happens for a reason and I feel like everything that we went through was meant to happen.”

Kelly is due to give birth in September but said she has not fully taken on board that she is expecting twins.

“I feel like the nerves haven’t fully hit us yet,” she says. “I feel like once I get to the eight-month mark, it will start to feel real.”

WWE's Kelly Kelly opens up about fertility journey IVF Babble

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