Why do people travel to Spain for fertility treatment?

It is a question we get asked a lot – why do people travel abroad, and in particular, Spain for fertility treatment? Aside from the primary economic reason, we wanted to take a look at the bigger picture and find out what aspects patients who travel abroad for IVF are finding so appealing

To help us understand this phenomenon, we’ve written this article with our dear friends from Vida Fertility (Madrid and Alicante), who see British, Irish and American patients on a daily basis.

Affordability & Quality

Even if patients need to add the cost of travelling and accommodation, the difference travelling to Spain for treatment can make to your budget can be significant and more than worth it. We’ll let you compare with the prices of your clinic, but in a high standard fertility clinic in Spain, Egg Donation treatments are typically charged between €5,000 and €8,000 (about £4800 / $5,500 and £7000 / $8,700). We mentioned “high standard” clinic because it’s also important to take into account quality. After more than 30 years of a very open fertility regulation, Spain has got clinical experience along with top qualified professionals and equipment that explains its high success rates. Nevertheless, as everywhere and as in every sector, some clinics decide to cut on costs that shouldn’t being reduced like lab product or material, staff, or technologies. Therefore, our first advice would be not looking at the cheapest ones either.

Available and anonymous Eggs for Egg Donation

The anonymity of egg and sperm donation is for sure the main reason why there is no waiting list for the patients. This is a big plus when some UK patients need to wait many months or sometimes years to get a donor. Then, even though the act is voluntary, the Spanish law allows a compensation for the donor, which is also a big deal for young, healthy, and fertile women. The anonymity is sometimes hard to understand for some patients, specially from the US, for cultural reasons. “On the contrary, explains Dr Spies, many patients are coming specially for this reason because it helps them not to imagine or picture their baby with another woman’s face.”

A lot easier patient journey that you would think

“Again, says Kathi Spies, it depends on the clinic, and international patients should choose a clinic like ours, expert in international treatments”. It all starts with a first visit that can be done online. Then, all the needed tests can be done at home, as most part of the treatment. You’ll receive a very detailed treatment plan where you know exactly when to go for ultrasounds or blood tests and where your stay in Spain is programmed depending on your availability to travel. Depending on your treatment, you might go just once for 3 to 7 days.

To sum-up, Spain equals no waiting list, cutting-edge ART technology and techniques at affordable prices. And, with the right team by your side, the whole process can be as easy as if at home, even more. So, it shouldn’t be your last option after 5 years of treatments if you want to have the opportunity to use your own eggs. Find a state-of-the art international clinic, but with a supportive and friendly team; this is still a sensitive and delicate journey you’re embarking to.

For more information about your treatment in Spain: contact@vidafertility.com

Dr Kathi Spies explains how travelling abroad for IVF works:


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