A Celebrity Facialist’s Top 3 Beauty Tips For Healthy Skin

Just as important as what you apply is when you apply it. Your skin, like the rest of the body, has a circadian rhythm. This means that it acts different when in rest than it does during the day—and these changes in its functions means your products work differently in the skin at different points of the day.

And according to Czech, honoring your skin at night is the most critical. “The main moment of taking care of yourself is at night. The efficacy of the products applied on the skin is increased by 50-60%,” she says. “However, we also experience more water loss, so we need to use more hydrators so we don’t wake up dry.” 

She’s not wrong. Research shows that the skin is more permeable while we rest2, meaning more water is able to escape (something we call transepidermal water loss). But it also means that products are able to penetrate deeper and be more effective. 

Nighttime is also when your skin enters recovery mode3—doing the hard work of scavenging free radicals, restoring collagen, and fixing up damage done during the day. This is why it’s so important to focus on repair in the evening, to help your skin do its job.  

Want more tips from this famed facialist? Tune in here: 

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