Almost All Women With Breast Cancer Are Also Vitamin D Deficient

Evidence suggests the average person needs to consume 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day to reach the goal serum level of 50 ng/ml. The problem? Food sources high in vitamin D don’t offer enough to help you achieve this goal (unless you’re drinking 50 glasses of milk a day, that is). 

And though it’s nicknamed the “sunshine vitamin,” most people don’t get enough safe sun exposure to achieve optimal vitamin D status. Age, latitude, skin tone, season, climate, skin tone, and biological sex all impact one’s ability to produce vitamin D from sun exposure, so it’s not a reliable source for most.

The most effective way to reach and sustain optimal serum vitamin D levels is by taking a high-quality supplement that delivers 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 (bonus points if it features built-in healthy fats for enhanced bioavailability). Hint: You can find mindbodygreen’s all-time favorite vitamin D supplement selections here.

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