Australian Comedian Tanya Hennessy Opens Up About Infertility Struggles and Endometriosis Battle

Tanya Hennessy, the 38-year-old Australian comedian and TV personality, has bravely shared her ongoing health battle, revealing that she is in the “depth of infertility sadness” after completing her sixth round of in vitro fertilization (IVF) with no success.

Additionally, Hennessy is grappling with endometriosis, a condition where tissue similar to the uterus lining grows outside the uterus, causing severe pain and potential infertility issues.

Diagnosed with endometriosis at the age of 35, Hennessy has been candid about her struggles, stating that she didn’t want to calculate the cost of the six IVF rounds, each priced at around $16,000, fearing it might dishearten her to continue. Despite initially planning to conclude her IVF journey after the third round three years ago, she is now considering a seventh attempt.

Hennessy also shared a distressing experience of dealing with endometriosis while working in comedy, recounting instances where she bled out on panel shows, leaving blood on chairs, and facing the challenge of needing to communicate her situation while others were wrapping up.

Australian Comedian Tanya Hennessy Opens Up About Infertility Struggles and Endometriosis Battle IVF BabbleIn honor of endometriosis awareness month, Hennessy took to social media to post a vulnerable message about her situation, expressing the pain, sadness, and financial strain of the ongoing IVF process. She revealed physical effects like stress-induced rashes and feelings of embarrassment for not experiencing an “IVF miracle” or natural conception.

Friends and fans rallied around Hennessy, offering support and love in the comments. Influencer Olivia Molly Rogers and friend Heidi Anderson expressed their empathy and admiration for Hennessy’s courage in sharing her vulnerability. Hennessy’s open dialogue about infertility and endometriosis sheds light on the emotional and physical toll these challenges can have, fostering understanding and support within her community.

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