Coffee Can Majorly Add To Your Longevity—But Only If It Has This

Earlier this year, the Blue Zones Netflix Documentary gave us a glimpse into the lives of some of the oldest people in the world. The show spanned from the highlands of the Mediterranean to the coasts of Central America, but there was one drink that appeared in wrinkled hands across the globe: You guessed it, coffee.

†Not detected or below detectable limits. mindbodygreen’s clean coffee+ undergoes comprehensive, third-party lab testing in the USA for hundreds of purity, potency, and sensory tests. Rigorously tested for caffeine, theobromine, polyphenols, heavy metals, yeast, mold, bacteria, mycotoxins, acrylamide, pesticides, solvents, acidity, and more—our premium, whole coffee beans exceed industry-leading quality standards for potency, purity, and taste experience.

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