Courgette Summer Soup – IVF Babble

Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

It’s tastier, more nutritious, greener, and often better value to buy local seasonal produce (or grow your own). Foods in season often contain the nutrients, minerals, and trace elements that our bodies need at that particular time of year. There are plenty of courgettes around at the moment so why not make some delicious Summer Courgette Soup?

Courgettes are packed with nutrients such as folate, vitamin C, zinc, iron, various B vitamins, fibre and magnesium. They contain anti-inflammatory properties and are also linked to helping regulate blood sugar levels – both of which are important in relation to fertility.

Onions not only possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties but are also a good source of selenium if grown in selenium rich soil. Selenium is needed for the proper functioning of sperm and is involved in both the morphology and motility of sperm, which means it not only aids in the growth and shape of sperm cells, but also in their ability to swim. It is also important for the Thyroid gland to work efficiently…..just a couple of its important roles! Onions also contain the flavonoid quercetin which has been shown to possess anti- inflammatory properties and vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant important in protecting sperm and egg DNA from free radical damage.

Garlic is a great fertility food and provides a good amount of selenium, vitamin C and Vitamin B6.

Courgette Summer Soup


30g (2 tbsp) butter (or olive oil if you prefer)

1 Large onion, chopped

1 medium potato, peeled and cubed

2 Garlic cloves, minced

1 kg (2lb) courgettes, washed and chopped

1 litre  vegetable  stock

120ml single cream

Pinch of seasoning (optional)


Melt butter, over a medium heat, in a large pan. Add the onion and garlic and cook for approx. 5 mins (until lightly golden)

Add the courgettes and potato, reduce the heat and allow the vegetables to cook for 10 mins (lid on)

Add the stock and simmer for 25 mins, until the courgettes are very soft.

Using a blender, whizz until smooth.

Add the cream (optional) and stir through. Season to taste.

Delicious served with some freshly grated parmesan.

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