Doing This Can Decrease Your “Brain Age” By Nearly A Year

There’s a lot to aging that is beyond our control, but there are some tried-and-true lifestyle changes that we can make to improve our brain health and overall well-being as we grow older.

Eat a balanced diet: When it comes to your health, eating a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and protein is nearly always helpful. Try loading at least half your plate with vegetables during every meal and snacking on vegetables in between meals. If you struggle to eat more veggies, cook simple recipes to make the act of cooking feel less like a time suck and remember to prep as much as possible so busy weekdays won’t leave you reaching for a processed snack that lacks much nutrition.

Try a supplement for memory health: Memory supplements support memory and promote overall brain function. Look for supplements that contain ingredients proven to support cognitive functioning and memory. We’ve rounded up a list of the 16 best memory supplements to try out.

Get moving: There are countless reasons to incorporate more movement into your day. It boosts your mood, increases your energy, helps your heart—and the list goes on. Physical activity is linked to benefitting cognitive health and may improve spatial memory, according to the National Institute on Aging. Walking 10,000 steps a day is associated with a 51% reduced risk of dementia3. Not sure where to start with exercise? Start small by developing daily movement habits.

Address your stress: It’s worth it to manage stress, beyond the obvious relief of feeling calmer. Chronic stress can also increase your risk of Alzheimer’s and impact memory. Manage your stress by talking to friends, working through your thoughts in a journal, exercising, meditating, and seeking out therapy.

Engage your mind: Your body isn’t the only thing that needs to stay active as you age. Keep your mind active by participating in engaging activities, including reading, puzzles, socializing, and volunteering. People who engage in purposeful and productive activities may live longer, happier lives, and see improvements in cognitive function. 

RELATED READ: 7 Mind-Sharpening Exercises To Do As You Age, According To Brain Experts

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