Eating A Mediterranean Diet May Lower Your Dementia Risk

We can’t draw any hard-and-fast conclusions from this study, but it sure looks like a Mediterranean diet is a healthy brain diet. Not to mention its other benefits, like improved cardiovascular health, increased longevity, and weight loss. So, how can we make our diet more Mediterranean-like? 

Eat more fish: Fish is a staple of the Mediterranean diet, which contains high levels of healthy anti-inflammatory fats. Reach for omega-3-rich options like salmon, herring, or sardines. Not that into fish? Try supplementing with an omega-3 supplement instead.

Eat a diverse range of fruits and vegetables: One of the major characteristics of the Mediterranean diet is a colorful plate of fruits and veggies. This helps provide your gut microbes with a diverse range of food and gives you a dose of antioxidants.

Avoid processed foods: A Mediterranean diet comprises whole foods. It doesn’t involve many packaged or processed foods (think a long, lazy lunch versus a grab-and-go meal). Try to avoid highly processed foods, which often contain added sugars, refined grains, trans fats, and refined vegetable oils (soybean oil, corn oil, etc.)

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