Edinburgh Campaign Supported by IVF Couple Delighted to be Parents

An inspiring campaign in Edinburgh is gaining support from a couple who experienced the joy of parenthood through IVF

Laura McCabe, 39, and Stacey McCabe, 37, from West Lothian, went through six rounds of fertility treatment before finally receiving the life-changing news that Laura was pregnant after undergoing IVF with the help of sperm donation. Today, they are proud parents to a healthy baby boy named Mason.

Having experienced the incredible gift of becoming parents, Laura and Stacey are now encouraging others to consider becoming egg or sperm donors. They believe that donating these crucial reproductive materials can help other couples fulfill their dreams of starting a family. Reflecting on their own journey, Laura shared, “Mason has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives and the lives of our families. We want to give others the same opportunity.”

The Edinburgh Fertility Centre, located at Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary, has joined a nationwide campaign aimed at increasing the number of egg and sperm donors. Recent statistics show that one in six couples in Scotland face fertility challenges, with over 200 individuals currently in need of donated eggs or sperm to create their families.

Dr. Karolina Skorupskaite-Carlyle, a consultant in reproductive medicine and surgery at the Edinburgh Fertility Centre, emphasised the importance of more donors in order to continue their vital work. She explained, “Every day, we encounter individuals who have an intense desire to experience the joys of parenthood. Unfortunately, some are unable to conceive using their own eggs or sperm due to various reasons. Donors have the power to give them the chance of happiness. Donating eggs or sperm is a truly selfless act that can truly change lives.”

Are you interested in becoming a donor? If you would like more information, drop us a line at info@ivfbabble.com.

Learn more about becoming a donor: 

Egg Donors – Your FAQs Answered

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