Saline Ultrasound and Biopsy

Part One of Our Day

Welcome back! Today, my husband and I had an eventful day as we embarked on a significant step in our fertility journey. For part one we transported our three frozen embryos from our previous clinic to our current one. Part two was a saline ultrasound and biopsy in the later part of the day. It’s a thrill to share that everything went smoothly during the transport process. This brings us closer to our dreams of starting a family.

Part Two Of Our Day

In the second part of our day, we returned to the clinic for the saline ultrasound and a biopsy. This played a crucial role in determining our next steps. This appointment unfolded with a series of unexpected discoveries. There was some old blood there trapped inside. This explained why I hadn’t received my period since the scar tissue removal procedure in February. To address this, the doctor performed a procedure to remove the trapped blood, which, I must admit, was quite painful. Additionally, they took precautions by flushing the area to minimize the risk of infection.


During the saline ultrasound, there was some scar tissue that was uncovered; a small amount. But we must address this before we can proceed with our planned in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. The biopsy was performed at the end of the appointment to gather further information. We are eagerly awaiting the results to guide our next steps. The clinic will soon reach out to us to schedule a hysteroscopy. The purpose of the procedure is to remove the scar tissue and prepare us for IVF.

In an effort to prevent infection, the doctor prescribed Cipro. We have obtained from the pharmacy and will take while awaiting the hysteroscopy scheduling.

We sincerely appreciate your support and interest in our fertility journey. Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate this emotional and hopeful path towards building our family.

Thanks and don’t forget:

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Thank you and be blessed!


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