Erin Holland shares her experiences and challenges of IVF journey

Erin Holland, an Australian model married to Ben Cutting, has shared her experiences and challenges regarding her IVF journey. In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, she revealed that the process has had both physical and mental impacts on her – impacts those of us who have been through IVF can all relate to!

As if infertility wasn’t cruel enough, going through the IVF process can be both emotionally and physically demanding, and it’s not uncommon to experience a whole rollercoaster of emotions and self-doubt.

Like so many women, Erin expressed feelings of loss and inadequacy, particularly in relation to her physical self.

“I did feel a real sense of loss and inadequacy just in my physical self and I think my confidence is something that has swayed up and down my entire life,” she said.

I am so confident some days and others not at all, and for the first time I think I’ve felt what it is like to have days that are really a struggle.”

This emotional side effect is probably the biggest eventuality of an IVF journey. As you start your journey, you may experience a really mixed bag of feelings – your body starts full of hope, then swiftly becomes a mixed bag of fear, anguish, panic, anger, and joy. These array of emotions can leave you utterly exhausted and drained – often putting strains on relationships with your partner, family and friends.

Erin also revealed how she has suffered from adult acne as a result of hormones in her body after being diagnosed with polycystic ovaries

Our experts at Hart Fertility told us: “Any kind of hormonal treatment that results in an imbalance can affect the skin. Some women have said that they have experienced acne, as you might do when you have your period. Others who have been using Clomid or letrozole, have said that they have experienced skin redness. This can occur from elevated estrogen levels.”

They also told us: “Once you start medication, you will experience some changes in your body. If you are down regulating, meaning the stage when your ovaries are suppressed in preparation for external stimulation, you may feel menopausal like symptoms such as headaches, hot flushes, night sweats, mood Swings and crying. It can also cause headaches, muscle pain, vaginal dryness

‘Some days it is not me, it is just the hormones that you are putting in your body and the stress you are feeling. It’s a lot to process.’

Erin spoke about the change in her hormones during her IVF journey in July last year:

“HORMONES SUCK. Especially these IVF induced ones.”

“Between the twice daily injections, the fertility supplements, DHEA (who knew women needed a little testosterone and I have barely any?!) and being put on/off the pill to create a cycle with my PCO, I feel like a mess.”

“The mood swings, the breakouts, the forgetful brain, the joys.”

If you are struggling with the emotional and physical impacts of IVF, we send you all our love and strength. Remember, you can always get in touch with us for support and guidance.

Erin Holland shares her experiences and challenges of IVF journey IVF Babble

How did IVF make you feel? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at

Read more about Erin’s journey:

Erin Holland shares her heart-breaking IVF story


What does IVF feel like?

How do you stay balanced when your hormones have a different idea?


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