For Blood Sugar Balance, Afternoon Exercise Reigns Supreme

Over 90% of the diabetes cases in the United States are Type 2 diabetes, which is the type of diabetes linked to lifestyle factors like the standard American diet, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity and metabolic syndrome.

It’s possible to prevent and sometimes even manage Type 2 diabetes through lifestyle factors like diet and exercise, and many clinicians already recommend these interventions. In fact, study participants in the afternoon exercise group also had the highest chance of being able to transition off their diabetes medications.

As one of the co-authors of the study, Jingyi Qian, Ph.D., explained in a news release: “We’ve known that physical activity is beneficial, but what our study adds is a new understanding that timing of activity may be important too.” So while it takes a lot of willpower to roll out of bed and straight into the gym, a fitness class, or onto the Peleton, afternoon exercisers now have something to tout. 

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