March 2022 Our Frozen Embryo Transfer Process


March 2022 Our Frozen Embryo Transfer Process

Embarking on our fertility journey, we eagerly anticipated the next steps after our successful appointment on March 3rd, 2022. We will be sharing the timeline of our frozen embryo transfer process. Including medication protocols and important milestones along the way.

March 7th: Starting the process following our appointment, we discussed the next steps. This involved initiating the frozen embryo transfer process. On March 7th, my period began, the following day I began taking birth control pills to control my menstrual cycle. During this time, we also received financial clearance, allowing us to proceed confidently.

Calendars and Consents

March 9th: We were provided with a calendar outlining the upcoming schedule. The necessary consents for the procedure were complete. This would ensure full preparedness for the journey ahead for our frozen embryo transfer process.


March 13th: Starting on this day, I began taking Lupron injections (10 units SQ each evening) to prepare my body for the transfer. Additionally, I continued taking birth control pills until March 17th to synchronize the timing effectively.

Baseline Check-Up

March 22nd: A visit to the clinic for a baseline ultrasound and blood work revealed a thin uterine lining and quiet ovaries. The doctor confirmed that everything was progressing as expected.

Adjusting Medication

March 23rd: Continuing with Lupron injections and introducing Estrace (2mg, three times a day, taken eight hours apart) and Viagra (25mg vaginally every six hours), we followed the prescribed medication regimen.

Lining Check-Up

March 30th: During this appointment, the doctor checked my uterine lining and progesterone levels. Although the lining measured around 5mm, some fluid was still present in the uterus. No changes to the medication at this time. The instructions were to wait an additional week to monitor the fluid’s clearance.

Progress Evaluation

April 7th: Returning to the clinic, I underwent an ultrasound and blood work. Despite the uterine lining being 4.2mm thick, the doctors desired further thickening. Apart from the estrace dosage change from oral to vaginal administration for the bedtime dose, the medication regimen remained unchanged.

Another Week of Patience Given

April 14th: Another week to observe any improvements in the uterine lining, the transfer date was tentatively rescheduled at this time. Progesterone levels were measured at 0.21, and the lining ranged between 4.1mm to 4.7mm. Medications continued as before.

Final Check-Up

April 21st: During this appointment, the doctor assessed my estrogen levels (739) and measured the uterine lining (3.7mm). The estrace dosage remained the same, and I received instructions to start progesterone in oil on April 23rd, administered intramuscular.

Embryo Transfer Day

April 28th: The highly anticipated day arrived, and our embryo transfer was scheduled for 9:15 am. Following instructions, I arrived with a moderately full bladder after consuming 24 ounces of fluids. The journey to becoming parents reached a crucial milestone.

Determination Prevails

April 28th: Arriving at the clinic for the ultrasound, we received disheartening news that fluid was still present in the uterus, and the uterine lining appeared thinner than before. The doctor suggested halting the transfer and starting a new cycle. However, after careful consideration, my husband and I decided to proceed with the transfer of one embryo. We had invested so much into this cycle and believed in giving it a chance. Even with uncertain outcomes regarding the fluid and lining thickness. Against the odds, the transfer took place around 10 am, infusing us with renewed hope.

A Day of Significance

May 7th: A pivotal moment in our journey approached as I was due to visit the clinic for the HCG pregnancy test. The timing held a special significance. As May 7th coincided with both my mom’s and my brother’s birthdays, with Mother’s Day following on the subsequent Sunday. The emotions surrounding this day were intensified, adding an extra layer of anticipation and meaning to the test results.

Navigating the challenges of fluid retention and a thinner uterine lining; we made a bold decision to proceed with our frozen embryo transfer. The determination to give our dreams a fighting chance propelled us forward. As we awaited the HCG pregnancy test results on a significant day, the sense of hope mingled with the emotions tied to our loved ones.

A Roller coaster of Emotions: Our Journey with the HCG Pregnancy Test

May 7th: Excitement and anticipation filled the air as we awaited the results. Privately, we received a call from the doctor stating that my HCG level was 21.61, but due to its low value, there was a possibility of a chemical pregnancy. To gain clarity, we were advised to retest on May 9th.

Delays and Tension

May 9th: Unfortunately, a mix-up at the lab led to delays in receiving the test results until May 10th, coincidentally my husband’s birthday. The nurse conveyed the news that my HCG level had increased to 88.21, prompting the request for another test on May 11th to monitor further progression.

A Ray of Hope

May 11th: During the repeated test, my HCG level rose to 255.1, offering a glimmer of hope amid the uncertainties. The next step on our journey was an OB ultrasound scheduled for May 24th, allowing us to visualize and assess the progress.

Bleeding and Concerns

May 13th: In the early hours of the morning, I experienced bleeding, causing immediate worry. Anxious, I contacted the nurse, but due to the timing, a response didn’t come until later in the day. Despite the suggested ultrasound appointment for Saturday, miscommunication led to my absence. Eventually, after speaking to one of the doctors, I was instructed to come in on Sunday, albeit acknowledging that it might be too early to observe significant changes.

A Fragile Situation

May 15th: During the Sunday ultrasound, minimal visibility was noted, accompanied by concerns about the persistently thin uterine lining. Blood work revealed higher HCG levels than before. As spotting persisted, predominantly in the mornings and with a brown color, apprehension grew.

Heartbreaking News

May 24th: The scheduled OB ultrasound on May 24th delivered devastating news—a diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy. Recognizing the urgency, I was immediately referred to the hospital for surgery. Considering my history and the desire to prevent future complications, my doctor recommended the removal of both tubes, a decision I agreed to with a heavy heart.


Our journey with the HCG pregnancy test took us on an emotional roller coaster. One filled with hope, uncertainty, and heartbreaking outcomes. We experienced the joy of rising HCG levels, only to face the devastating reality of an ectopic pregnancy. Our story serves as a reminder of the challenges faced along the fertility journey and the difficult decisions that may arise. Stay tuned as we navigate the next chapter, where resilience and hope will guide us forward.

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Stay tuned…


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