In the Pink – Healthy Strawberry and Raspberry Fool

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Who loves strawberries? If you do you will love this light, easy and healthy strawberry fool dessert. Strawberries contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, both of which are important when it comes to health and fertility. Strawberries help to reduce inflammation as they have been shown to reduce CRP (C-reactive protein which is a medical marker of inflammation) levels when a portion is consumed daily.

Strawberries are high in folate, which helps with fertility. Folate is necessary for cell division, which helps to prevent birth abnormalities. Folate also aids in the prevention of ovulation issues. 125g strawberries supply 10% of your daily folate requirements as well as a full day’s worth of vitamin C.

Vitamin C supports the immune system, fights illness, and aids iron absorption, all of which are important for both men and women attempting to conceive. Vitamin C is also necessary for the motility and viability of sperm. Enjoy! … and eat a rainbow! Ingredients (makes 6 portions)

Raspberries -are fantastic as they are a low GL (Glycaemic load) fruit- helping to stabilise blood sugar levels. They have been linked to protecting sperm from oxidative stress. They also contain magnesium, which is involved in the production of testosterone. Raspberries are a good source of folate too- important in helping to prevent neural tube defects in the developing foetus.

In the Pink – Healthy Strawberry and Raspberry Fool (makes 4 glasses)

10 oz strawberries

10 oz Raspberries

6oz Greek yoghurt

6oz Fromage frais

Fresh mint and strawberries/raspberries to decorate.

To make:

Mix the fromage frais and Greek yoghurt in a bowl together. Purée the strawberries and raspberries and stir them through the fromage frais and yoghurt mixture – pour into glass bowls and then chill in the fridge for an hour. Serve with fresh mint and strawberries/raspberries on the top. This also makes a great ice lollies – pour into lolly moulds and place into the freezer.

You may also wish to try this with different combinations too like fresh ginger and rhubarb, raspberries and mint, blackberries and raspberries…….

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