IVF Cycle 2022- Mini Stim

IVF Cycle 2022- Mini Stim

CoQ10 and DHEA Supplements

Subsequently, on January 2022, following our discussion with the doctor, we opted to go for a mini stim IVF cycle after not having any viable embryos from the previous egg retrieval. As recommended, I started taking CoQ10 and DHEA supplements. When my period began on January 19, I reported it to the clinic and began taking birth control pills the next day to control it.

Financial Clearance for IVF Cycle

To proceed with the next cycle of IVF, I contacted the financial counselor on January 25, 2022, to obtain financial clearance.

Cycle Begins for IVF Cycle

On January 30th, I took my final birth control pill. Went into the clinic to have a physical exam, baseline ultrasound, and blood work on February 3rd. Estrogen level was 48. At this time the instructions were to take Clomid from day 2 to day 7 of my period. On the last day of Clomid, I began taking nightly injections of Gonal 75iu and Menopur 75iu (one powder vial).

On February 14th, my estrogen level was 1152, and the ultrasound showed 8 measured follicles, with the largest measuring at 12mm. My medication, Gonal and Menopur, remained the same, and I began taking Cetrotide that night at 0.25mcg.

Trigger Shot Time

By February 17th, my estrogen level had risen to 1732, my progesterone level was 0.51, and 13 measured follicles. The instructions were to take the trigger shot that night at 8:45 pm, in additon to my usual doses of Gonal 75iu and Menopur 75iu. At this point, there was no need to continue Cetrotide. My husband had his own set of instructions to follow to prepare for the egg retrieval day.

The next day, February 18th, no shots were due, which was a relief. However, I was unable to eat or drink anything after midnight and the next morning, as I prepared for the egg retrieval procedure.

Day of Egg Retrieval

On February 19th, we arrived at the clinic at 8 am for an egg retrieval scheduled at 8:45 am. There was a total of 9 oocytes were retrieved. The following day, February 20th, we received the news that 5 of them fertilized and were now in culture. We waited anxiously for the next update, which came on February 25th, revealing that all 5 embryos were frozen! This was fantastic news for us! The embryo grades were 4AA, 4AB, 3BB, 4BC, and 4AA.

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Stay tuned…



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