IVF Cycle # 3

IVF Cycle #3

After the cancellation of cycle #2 in July, subsequently, the following events took place for IVF Cycle # 3:

  • On 7/31, I got my period.
  • On 8/2, I started taking birth control.
  • On 8/4, I reached out to the financial counselor to obtain financial clearance and the nurse to discuss my FET calendar.
  • On Sunday, 8/7, I stopped taking birth control.
  • On Tuesday, 8/9, I had a baseline ultrasound and blood work.
  • From cycle day 3 to 7, I took Letrozole 5mg orally each day.
  • On Tuesday, 8/16, I had an ultrasound and blood work. Progesterone level was 0.305, lining was 3.1mm thick, and there were 3 follicles.
  • Subsequently, on Friday, 8/19, I had another ultrasound and blood work. Progesterone level was 107.3, lining was 5.0mm thick, and there were 2 follicles.
  • On Monday, 8/22, I had an ultrasound and blood work. Estrogen level was 257.3, lining was 4.9mm thick, and I was due for my trigger shot (Ovidrel) between 9-10pm that night.
  • On Wednesday, 8/24, I started taking progesterone in oil (1ml) nightly at 8pm.
  • On Sunday, 8/28, I had an ultrasound to check for fluid, and there was no fluid present at that time.
  • On Monday, 8/29, the embryo transfer took place.
  • On Thursday, 9/8, the HCG blood test results came back negative.

HCG Negative Test After IVF Cycle # 3

Navigating the emotional rollercoaster of fertility treatments can be daunting. Furthermore, especially when faced with the disappointment of a negative pregnancy test. The anticipation leading up to the test day, the hopeful waiting, and the sudden blow of receiving a negative result can feel overwhelming. It’s a moment filled with a complex mix of emotions—disappointment, sadness, frustration, and sometimes even anger.

For many, each negative test can feel like a personal failure, as if the body has let them down once again. It’s common to question oneself, wondering if something could have been done differently or if there’s something inherently wrong. The weight of dashed hopes and dreams can be crushing, and the fear of never achieving the desired outcome can loom large.

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