Meet Your Fertility Care Team: Illume Fertility’s Unique Approach

After you come to terms with the fact that the path to parenthood is going to be more complex, you’re faced with another challenge – absorbing lots of new information and working with a team of people to help make your dream come true. Learn how Illume’s unique approach to patient care helps you achieve your goals with layered support.

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You Don’t Have to Do This Alone

It’s true what they say: navigating fertility treatment is like a full-time job. You have to decide which specialist you want to see, research and choose a clinic, manage appointments, monitoring, medications, and procedures, and oh, yeah…figure out how to pay for it all.

Feeling overwhelmed? That’s totally normal – there’s a lot to take in right now.

Ready for the good news? We’ve got your back! At Illume Fertility, we know that there are probably a million questions zooming through your head right now, and we want to make this process as simple as possible.

That’s why we created the Fertility Care Team system – an individualized cohort of professionals dedicated to your success. Let’s walk through each member of the team and how they can support you!

Fun fact: Many of our own staff have been through fertility treatment, so they know exactly what it’s like to be a patient. As a result, they have an even deeper understanding of how to best support you on your personal journey.

How is Illume Fertility different from other clinics?

Traditionally, a fertility clinic offers you access to a primary fertility doctor, but you are not assigned a team that’s dedicated to your journey. You will speak to, see, and hear from many different nurses, appointment managers, and other clinic staff at any point in your care, ultimately limiting your access to resources. 

Not at Illume Fertility! We want this experience to be as smooth (and personalized) as possible. Your Care Team is your #1 resource for any of your needs. They are your go-to people and your biggest cheerleaders on this path to parenthood.

In addition to your personal Care Team’s communication with you, our full team meets daily to discuss each patient’s progress and make sure everything is on the right track.

We uphold our patient-centered care promise whether you’re in the room or not – and there is constant work going on behind the scenes to make sure we’re doing everything we can to help you achieve your goals. 

Another unique offering? Illume Fertility’s Patient Advocate, Lisa Rosenthal, provides free one-on-one fertility support. Lisa has over 30 years experience in the fertility space and is a former patient herself.

360-Degree Fertility Care & Support

Your Care Team is designed to support your personal fertility or family-building journey, whether you’re pursuing ovulation induction, IUI, IVF, surrogacy, fertility preservation or another treatment method. Whatever your goal, our team will help you get there.

And as you’ve figured out by now, fertility treatment has its own language. Your team is there to teach you this new language and ensure you feel empowered every step of the way.

When you set up your first appointment with us, we assign you a unique set of professionals that are collectively in charge of your journey.

Each Care Team consists of the following: 

Additionally, every patient has access to our Physician Assistant, genetic counselors, and our robust holistic support program, Integrated Fertility & Wellness (think: acupuncture, counseling, nutritional guidance, and other wellness resources).

These staff members serve all our patients and will be in contact with you at some point in the process…whether it’s genetic testing with one of our genetic counselors, an early pregnancy ultrasound with our Physician Assistant, or laser acupuncture with one of our licensed acupuncturists. More on that later!

How does each member of the team help guide you through the process? Let’s discuss.

Your Reproductive Endocrinologist

Each patient meets with their own fertility doctor at the initial visit. Our board-certified reproductive endocrinologists are compassionate, intelligent, and empathetic, and they all truly take the time to listen to your thoughts, fears, and questions. 

Your reproductive endocrinologist will serve as your Care Team leader. They will be in charge of your treatment plan, suggesting different pathways and options to help you achieve your goals.

They will offer their expert advice and provide an accurate diagnosis so that the rest of your team can help you implement solutions and find success. Additionally, they will recommend diagnostic testing and help connect you to other support staff.

Think of them as the principal on your first day of school who will introduce you to your new “friends” (i.e. the rest of your Care Team) and help you get settled.

Let’s get started:

Head swirling with questions as you prepare for your first appointment? Grab our free worksheet!

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Your Fertility Nurse

You will be assigned to one of our amazing nurses, who will be your main point of contact for all things medical.

Think of them as your homeroom teacher! Working closely with the doctors, day in and day out, our nurses will help empower you, comfort you, provide answers, and keep tabs on your progress throughout the entire journey.

Our nurses truly take the time to teach, listen, and be there for you whenever you need, while consistently keeping you updated on your bloodwork results (including providing next steps based on those results), protocol directions, medications, and any other medical needs. 

Your nurse is here to help – if they don’t know the answer to your question, they will find it! Our nurses all have their own direct phone lines and emails, which ensures you will have access to this important team member whenever you need to reach them. 

Your Medical Assistant Team

Our medical assistants at all five locations are experts in helping you navigate each appointment and procedure with warmth and compassion. Think of them as your “class buddy” – the friendly, welcoming faces who help you feel comfortable in a new environment and show you the ropes.

Each time you come in for an appointment, whether it be routine morning monitoring or an important procedure, our medical assistants are the ones who will welcome you back from the waiting room, guide you where you need to go, offer support, answer questions about what to expect that day, and so much more. 

Bonus: Our medical assistants are total pros at quick, painless blood draws – a huge win for any patient needing frequent monitoring appointments!

Your Insurance & Billing Advocate

We’ve made it to math class!

Our informative, dedicated, and hard-working finance team is always here to help you understand what is coming next when it comes to the financial aspect of your journey.

They help break down the cost of each test, procedure, and appointment to make sure you’re never faced with a surprise bill.

Their goal is to keep you informed about pricing and any possible insurance coverage, every step of the way. As with your nurse, your Insurance & Billing Advocate also has their own direct line and email for communication.

Your Patient Navigator

Think of your Patient Navigator as a “hall monitor” of sorts. A navigator’s role is exactly what it sounds like – to monitor your cycle progress and help you navigate your way through it from start to finish.

Your Patient Navigator is another main point of contact you’ll be communicating with frequently. They are there to help schedule your next appointment, find answers if other team members aren’t available, connect you with the right support, and guide you towards success.

Note: Getting in touch with your Patient Navigator is just as easy as contacting your nurse and other team members, since each one has a direct phone number and email for easy communication.

Your Physician Assistant

Our wonderful Physician Assistant Diana D’Amelio specializes in fertility treatment therapies and helps each patient complete important testing such as ultrasounds, saline sonograms, and hysterosalpingograms.

She also serves as a main provider for many of our PCOS patients.

Most of the fertility testing performed throughout our practice is time-sensitive, so having a dedicated Physician Assistant allows more patients to complete these essential steps in a timely manner. 

Your Integrated Fertility & Wellness Team

One of the most unique offerings at Illume Fertility is our Integrated Fertility & Wellness (IFW) program.

Made up of a very special group of licensed acupuncturists, therapists, nutritionists, and a Patient Advocate, this group of wellness professionals is dedicated solely to helping patients manage the emotional and physical stressors that often result from fertility challenges.

Illume Fertility also offers virtual and in-person support groups and Fertile Yoga classes, which are always free and open to all fertility patients. View upcoming events here.

Did you know? Acupuncture has been shown to increase embryo implantation rates.

Learn more about our IFW services and providers:

Whole body support:

Explore our Integrated Fertility & Wellness program, meet each practitioner, and learn about the benefits of incorporating holistic care to your fertility journey.

Learn More

Our number one goal is to help you grow your family, and we believe the best way to do that is to put you first. In order to give each patient the best chance at a successful pregnancy and healthy baby, we supply you with essential support for your mind, body, and soul. 

As a practice deeply invested in fertility, both professionally and personally, we know what it takes to make an otherwise lengthy and dizzying experience more rewarding and manageable. We have assembled the most passionate and knowledgeable professionals and cannot wait to match you with your own unique care team.

Is a team approach important to you? It’s our hope that with this structure, you will feel like you’re traveling through this tumultuous journey with the strongest safety net under you – your Care Team.

If you’d like to explore Illume Fertility’s supportive, patient-centered fertility and family-building care, reach out to us today.

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