Saline Ultrasound due to Absence of Period


On June 15, 2023, I underwent my third surgery for scar tissue removal. Following that:

  • On June 28, I had my first post-op appointment. The balloon was still in place, and everything seemed on track.
  • On July 12, I had my second post-op appointment. The balloon stayed in to aid uterine lining growth around it after stem cell placement.
  • During my third post-op appointment on July 18, the medical team finally removed the balloon. Which uncovered a well-formed lining that owed its presence to the previously implanted stem cells.
  • I completed the remaining estrogen treatment and a 10-day Provera regimen, hoping for my period to start. Unfortunately, even after 14 days, it didn’t arrive.
  • Fast forward to August 16, 2023, when I had a Saline Ultrasound. Once again, the results showed more scar tissue. The doctor expressed uncertainty about the next steps. He did mention a new trial medication designed to aid lining thickening. We have scheduled a phone appointment for August 23 to discuss our way forward.

The Infertility Compass @TheInfertilityCompass

Related Post: Balloon Removal after Hysteroscopy


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