Fertility Update: Surrogacy Considerations & Medical Decisions

Fertility Update!

Hi guys and welcome back! I’m stopping by to give you guys a Fertility Update since my last video. My Husband and I recently attended an appointment to discuss moving forward and what our options were. This appointment was with a different doctor than we had spoken to at the previous appointment when we found out that the scar tissue had returned…

So What’s Next?

At this appointment the doctor basically told us that he wasn’t really sure what else to do with me. We discussed brief the things that we had tried in the past. He stated that it may be time to look into using a surrogate and asked how we felt about that. I once again shared my feelings on using a surrogate. The doctor went on to say that using a surrogate can be very expensive unless we know someone such as a relative or a friend willing to do this for us. I told him that we had a few people in mind if it comes to that.

Give It One More Shot?

So then the doctor says that if we wanted to give surgery to remove the scar tissue one more shot, he would be open to doing so. But this time we would leave the balloon in longer maybe two to three months.

Partial Hysterectomy?

In the previous appointment the doctor had mentioned or rather asked what were my thoughts on having a partial hysterectomy, so I asked the doctor during this appointment about this. He didn’t feel I needed an hysterectomy and was concerned as to why I brought it up, so I explained. The doctor then said that by my lining being the way it is he did not feel that I was getting a period.

Let’s Give It Some Thought

So we told the doctor that we would give it some thought and let him know what we decide. In the meantime we will be getting an additional opinion before moving forward. Thanks for stopping by for our Fertility Update!




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