Over 35% Of People Aren’t Getting Enough Of This Mineral — Are You?

Iodine is an essential trace mineral, which means the human body can’t make it on its own and we need to consume enough from our diet and supplementation.

As a critical component of thyroid hormones T4 and T3, this all-important mineral is vital for not only hormone health, but liver, kidney, muscle, blood sugar balance2, and brain function as well. In fact, the thyroid gland is home to 70 to 80% of the body’s iodine1 in a healthy adult.

Iodine via the thyroid gland also helps regulate overall metabolism and is crucial for healthy fetal neurodevelopment during pregnancy.

While iodine may not be as buzzy a mineral as, say, zinc or iron, its health benefits are vast and undeniably important.

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