Positive Pregnancy Test: Our Joyful Update!

Positive Pregnancy Test:

Welcome to our transformative journey to parenthood, an uplifting and joyous update for those navigating the challenging terrain of infertility. We are grateful to share that the result of our gestational surrogate’s recent embryo transfer has resulted in a positive pregnancy test. On October 9th, we received the exciting news through a home pregnancy test.  That was confirmed with an HCG test at the clinic on October 14th. As we eagerly anticipate the first ultrasound on October 25th,  your continued thoughts and prayers are deeply appreciated.

Our journey is a testament to the power of hope and the support of our empowering community. Whether you’re exploring surrogacy or other alternative paths to parenthood, know that you are not alone. Join our community of kindred spirits as we support each other on this path. Stay tuned for further updates on our parenthood journey. Please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments below. Your stories are invaluable, and together, we can inspire and uplift.

What is a Gestational Surrogate?

A gestational surrogate is a woman who carries and gives birth to a baby for another person or couple, known as the intended parents. Unlike a traditional surrogate, a gestational surrogate has no genetic connection to the baby. Instead, the embryo is created using the egg and sperm from the intended parents or donors and is then implanted into the surrogate’s uterus through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

The gestational surrogate’s role is solely to carry and nurture the pregnancy until birth.  Allowing individuals or couples who cannot carry a pregnancy themselves to have a biological child.

Why to people turn to a Gestational Surrogate when going through infertility?

People turn to a gestational surrogate when dealing with infertility for several reasons, often because they are unable to carry a pregnancy themselves due to medical, physical, or genetic issues. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Uterine Issues or Absence of a Uterus: Some women are born without a uterus (a condition called Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome), have had it removed (due to hysterectomy or cancer), or have a non-functional uterus, making pregnancy impossible.
  2. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Women who have experienced multiple miscarriages despite fertility treatments may turn to surrogacy as a more reliable path to parenthood.
  3. Health Risks: Some women have health conditions (such as severe heart disease, lupus, or kidney issues) that make pregnancy life-threatening for them or the baby. Surrogacy allows them to have a child without risking their health.
  4. Failed Fertility Treatments: After unsuccessful IVF treatments or other assisted reproductive techniques, some intended parents opt for surrogacy as another avenue for having a biological child.
  5. Same-Sex Male Couples: Male couples rely on a gestational surrogate. Using either donor eggs or one partner’s sperm combined with donor eggs to have a child that shares a genetic connection to one or both partners.
  6. Advanced Maternal Age: As women age, their ability to carry a pregnancy diminishes, and the risk of complications increases. In some cases, intended parents choose surrogacy to avoid these risks.

Surrogacy offers hope to individuals and couples who face significant barriers to pregnancy. This  allows them to pursue their dream of parenthood through a genetic connection to their child.


Previous Update:

Awaiting Pregnancy Test Results on Our Journey

If you or someone you know is suffering with infertility or needs guidance and a supportive friend to talk to, I'm here to help. Feel free to schedule a time with me through this link: https://meet.brevo.com/wanda-doty. Don't hesitate to reach out-I'm here for you. 




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