Raspberries and Cream Selenium Rich Breakfast Parfait Pot

By Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

A lovely balanced breakfast to start your day and great for a snack too.

Raspberries – all types of berries help to support fertility, but raspberries have been linked to
protecting sperm from oxidative stress. Raspberries contain a high level of Vitamin C which is a key
antioxidant when it comes to male and female fertility, helping to protect sperm and egg DNA. It has
also been linked to helping prevent agglutination and improve sperm quality and motility. They also
contain magnesium, which is involved in balancing hormones in women and in the production of
testosterone helping to support male fertility- great for mood too!

Natural live yoghurt is great for the gut as it contains friendly probiotic bacteria (such as
lactobacillus)- all health starts in the gut. It is also a good source of protein, calcium and provides
selenium too.

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of selenium (1 Brazil nut provides an adult’s daily requirement of selenium) as are other seeds such as sunflower and chia.

To make your breakfast pot (for 1)

Choose a nice glass! Take 8 raspberries and wash. Place around the inside of the bottom of the glass.
Next, spoon some natural live yoghurt and cover the raspberries (about an inch of yoghurt). Sprinkle
over the top with chopped Brazil nuts and seeds of your choice. Repeat the layers again. Place into
the fridge for a couple of hours or cover overnight. Bring out of the fridge and drizzle over with
honey. Enjoy!

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