Reasons To Make This Soothing THC Topical Gel Your New Daily Ritual

To better understand the reasons for adopting a THC topical into our wellness routine, we connected with Jessie Kater, Sr. Vice President of Innovation, Research & Development at Curaleaf. “Topicals can be a good alternative route of administration for some people that maybe less inclined to inhale or ingest cannabis. The Plant Precision Relieve Topical Gel is a great choice for those looking for some localized relief, and as some of it gets absorbed into the bloodstream, it can also help provide systemic relief and relaxation, making it a great multi-functional option.”

Another benefit of Plant Precision Relieve Topical Gel is that it’s lightweight on your skin, whereas many THC topicals out there feel heavy. THC is a highly lipophilic compound, meaning it has an affinity for lipid environments and dissolves more easily in fat than it does water. Because of this, many gels have a hard time permeating beyond the watery layers of our skin. But according to Jessie Kater, Sr. Vice President of Innovation, Research & Development at Curaleaf, their Plant Precision Relieve Topical Gel includes food grade ethanol and permeation enhancers. In-house proprietary research indicates that these enhancers assist in carrying cannabinoids across the layers of skin into deeper tissue and blood vessels where it is then circulated systemically. This doesn’t just imply a lighter gel, it also means you’ll start to feel a calming “body high” tingle.

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