Recovery after Ectopic Pregnancy and IVF Cycle #2

Recovery after Ectopic Pregnancy and IVF Cycle #2

IVF Cycle #2

After my ectopic pregnancy on May 24th, 2022 my period arrived on the 28th, marking the start of a new cycle. Following my doctor’s advice, I began taking birth control the very next day. June 13th I went for a post-op appointment. This appointment was to check on the healing of my incisions, and thankfully, everything was progressing well. During the visit, my Nurse also provided me with a calendar for my next FET (Frozen Embryo Transfer) procedure.

Vitamin E, Pentoxifylline and Estrace

On June 14th, I incorporated a Vitamin E supplement into my daily routine, taking 400mg (1000IU) per day. The doctor also recommended taking Pentoxifylline twice daily at a dosage of 400mg ER. The purpose of the supplements was to potentially assist in thickening my uterine lining, which had been a concern.

June 22nd, I was advised to stop taking the birth control pills. A baseline ultrasound and blood work was scheduled at the clinic. During that visit, the results indicated negative HCG levels, confirming the absence of any remaining pregnancy hormone. Additionally, they measured my uterine lining at a thickness of only 3.3mm. The doctor then instructed me to start taking estrace the next day with the aim to thicken my lining.

Discontinue Vitamin E and Pentoxifylline

My current doctor requested that I discontinue using vaginal Viagra, Vitamin E and Pentoxifylline. This was to observe how my body would respond without these medications. Considering the recent removal of my Fallopian tubes, which played a role in the ectopic pregnancy.

Prior to the ectopic pregnancy, I had been seeing the same doctor at the clinic. But following the ectopic pregnancy, I began seeing a different doctor because the previous one had completed her training.

Ultrasound and Blood work

I returned to the clinic on July 5th for another baseline ultrasound and blood work. My progesterone level was 0.319. My uterine lining had improved to 4.2mm in thickness, but the doctors desired it to be slightly thicker. At this point, my medication regimen remained the same.

I went back into the clinic on July 15th. For a second ultrasound to assess the lining’s progress and more blood work. The results showed a progesterone level of 0.150 and a uterine lining measuring 3.3mm. Despite these measurements, the medication remained unchanged.

Cycle #2 Canceled

Cycle #2 was canceled on July 22nd. Due to the thin uterine lining and presence of uterine fluid, which presented challenges for the procedure.

Discontinue Meds/ Start Meds

On July 22nd, I made the decision to discontinue taking lupron and estrace. Doxycycline was prescribed to be taken twice daily for 14 days. In following the prescribed schedule, taking the medication in the morning and at night. Medroxyprogesterone was also prescribed, a hormone medication, to be taken at 10mg dosage nightly for 10 days.

I started both medications on July 24th, faithfully following the instructions provided. Doxycycline was to combat any potential infections, while the medroxyprogesterone served a specific purpose in my treatment plan. Taking it before bedtime allowed the hormone to take effect during the night.

I stayed in contact with the Nurse and informed her promptly when my period started. This information was crucial for monitoring and adjusting my upcoming treatment plan.

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