Reliefband Unpaid Review: An Anti-Nausea Tool That Works

I brought the Reliefband Flex on my honeymoon to Portugal. I first put it on during a bout of turbulence on the plane, then for the entirety of a windy bus ride a few days later—and I experienced no nausea during either event!

The big test, however, was a 3-hour dolphin-watching excursion.

Now, I can’t say the Reliefband completely prevented seasickness, but I do think it helped considerably. I stuck to the center and back of the boat (any seasickness-struggler knows this is a pro move), kept my Reliefband stimulation on level one, and felt mostly okay for the first hour.

However, as soon as I took a gamble and moved to the bow of the boat, my seasickness amplified. I only lasted about 15 minutes before needing to crank my band up a few notches and return to the back. Once I was settled in the back of the boat I was a bit wobbly for a minute, but I never actually felt like I was going to be sick (a win, as far as I’m concerned!).

Later in the day I laid down to take a nap and began to feel like I was riding the waves. I popped the Reliefband back on and it helped me feel grounded again in a matter of minutes.

There were a few times I got lazy and used my Reliefband without the conductivity gel. It did work, but took a bit longer for me to find the sweet spot on my wrist. This in mind, I do think it works better with a bit of the gel applied.

On the con side, the Reliefband could be more attractive and I do wish I had opted for the rechargeable model. It’s also a bit of a financial investment—although the brand’s 14-day money back guarantee helps.

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