November 2022- A Fresh Set of Eyes

As we Embark upon a new Clinic

  • On November 21, 2022, we had a scheduled consultation at a new clinic. Furthermore, during the appointment, we discussed the next steps and had the opportunity to speak with a financial counselor. Additionally, both my husband and I underwent bloodwork.


  • On November 28, 2022, we underwent a saline ultrasound, which revealed the presence of scar tissue obstructing the uterus. As a result, it became necessary to undergo surgery prior to moving forward with the IVF process.

Pre-Op Appointment:

  • On December 12, 2022, we had a scheduled Pre-Op appointment. Additionally, during the appointment, we discussed the necessary preparations and procedures leading up to the surgery.

Day of Surgery for Scar Tissue Removal:

  • On December 15, 2022: Surgery to remove scar tissue, discharge instructions provided, including medications and placement of a balloon to prevent reoccurrence.

Post-Op Appointment:

  • On December 30, 2022: Post-op appointment, ultrasound confirmed the balloon in place, with instructions for its removal at the 4-week mark post-surgery.
  • On January 16, 2023: Balloon removed, scheduled saline ultrasound after the onset of the next period.

Awaiting my period:

  • On January 30, 2023, I reached out to the clinic to report a delay in receiving my period. Consequently, I was advised to wait an additional two weeks, although an appointment was scheduled for February 13. Moreover, I was instructed to contact the clinic if my period occurred before the scheduled appointment.

Saline Ultrasound:

  • On February 13, 2023, we underwent another saline ultrasound, which revealed the presence of additional scar tissue. As a result, it became necessary to undergo another surgery before proceeding with the IVF process.

Pre-Op Appointment:

  • On February 20, 2023, we had a scheduled Pre-Op appointment. Furthermore, during the appointment, we reviewed the necessary pre-operative preparations and discussed the upcoming surgical procedure in detail.

Day of Surgery for Scar Tissue Removal:

  • On February 23, 2023, we underwent the surgery to remove the scar tissue. Additionally, following the procedure, the medical team provided us with detailed discharge instructions. These instructions included information about medications to be taken, as well as the placement of a balloon to aid in preventing the recurrence of scar tissue.

Post-Op Appointment:

  • On March 8, 2023, we had a scheduled post-op appointment. During the appointment, an ultrasound was performed and it confirmed that the balloon was still in place. Moreover, we received instructions to continue taking the prescribed medications for an additional two weeks.

Delayed Balloon Removal:

  • On April 4, 2023: Balloon removed, given instructions to call the clinic on cycle day 1 of my period to schedule a saline ultrasound and uterine lining biopsy.

Awaiting my period:

  • On April 26, 2023: Reached out to the clinic while awaiting period, instructed to take Provera for 10 days. Completed the Provera but still no period as of May 8, 2023.

Next Steps:

  • On May 22, 2023: Scheduled saline ultrasound and biopsy for May 31, 2023. Informed to contact the clinic if the period occurs before then. As of today May 28, 2023, period has not arrived.

What are my thoughts?

I am not sure what my thoughts are concerning this. What I will say is something feels different. I’m not sure what to expect at this upcoming appointment on May 31st. Up until now, usually when I’ve been given medication to start my period, it has worked but the last couple of times my body has seemed to do something different; but what? I’m not sure.

Thank You!

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