Selenium Rich Snack Brazil Nuts dipped in Dark Chocolate

By Sue Bedford MSc

Dip your Brazil nuts in some melted dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids or above) for a super-fertility snack.

Did you know that Brazil nuts contain very high levels of selenium and that just one or two nuts can provide a whole day’s recommended intake? Selenium is often lacking in modern diets due to soil being depleted of this important mineral. Selenium helps to protect us from the diseases associated with ageing.

It is an antioxidant that is important to fertility because it prevents oxidation and DNA damage in the egg and sperm cells. It is also important in oogenesis and spermatogenesis (egg and sperm production). In studies, men with low sperm counts have been found, when tested, to have low levels of selenium. Increasing selenium levels may lead to improved sperm motility. A low selenium status has been tied to low birth weight babies and preeclampsia, which is high blood pressure during pregnancy. It is important for the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland.

Brazil nuts are also a good source of vitamin E (another antioxidant important for health and fertility), along with calcium and magnesium (the happy mineral!).

Dark chocolate containing 70% and above cocoa is a good source of antioxidants, magnesium, fibre and iron-  providing protective benefits re insulin sensitivity, heart health and blood pressure. When it comes to fertility dark chocolate can help support male fertility as it is a rich source of the amino acid L-arginine which in studies have been linked to improving sperm count and motility. This amino acid can also support female fertility and has been linked to helping increase the flow of blood to the ovaries and uterus.

To make your healthy snack:

Take 2 squares of dark chocolate and melt in a bowl over a pan containing boiled water. Dip your brazil nuts into the melted chocolate and allow to harden and cool. Double up the amounts to make a few day’s worth of this nutritious and delicious healthy snack. Keep in an airtight tin and enjoy!

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