Super seed porridge with raspberries and chia seeds

Sue Bedford (MSc Nutritional Therapy)

Porridge for breakfast is a great way to start your day! Oats are whole grains and are recommended as part of the Mediterranean ‘fertility’ diet. They contain healthy unsaturated fats, protein, dietary fibres, disease-fighting phytochemicals, and many vitamins and minerals important to fertility. They are an excellent slow-release carbohydrate (which helps to keep you full for longer) and contain beta glucan, a prebiotic soluble fibre which is great for the gut and heart health too, lowering ‘LDL’ cholesterol.

In relation to fertility, whole milk is a good choice to go for where possible and the findings of a large study suggested that whole milk may be more protective of fertility than reduced-fat versions.

Chia seeds are a good source of Omega 3 fatty acid (Alpha linolenic acid – ALA for short), vitamin D, E and B along with fibre, iron, antioxidants, magnesium, calcium, selenium, manganese and potassium. These fertility-supporting seeds help provide energy, fight inflammation, reduce sugar cravings and regulate blood sugar levels, also, potentially benefitting those with PCOS. Chia is gluten-free and as well as being high in fibre, it absorbs water to form a gelatinous texture which is very soothing and healing to our digestive tract. Chia seed’s high fibre content means they are great for your digestive health, eliminating toxins, reducing constipation and helping you feel full for longer.

Sprinkle a handful of raspberries over the top for a burst of antioxidants – an important addition to every fertility diet. Raspberries -are fantastic as they are a low GL (Glycaemic load) fruit- helping to stabilise blood sugar levels. They have been linked to protecting sperm from oxidative stress and in addition, contain magnesium, which is involved in the production of testosterone. Raspberries are a good source of folate too- crucial in helping to prevent neural tube defects in the developing foetus.

This is a nutritious and delicious low glycemic index breakfast that will help to promote healthy blood glucose and insulin levels.

Warming porridge made with whole milk, sprinkled with raspberries, topped with chia seeds (makes 2 portions)


100g porridge oats

200ml whole milk

1tbsp chia seeds

1tbsp sunflower seeds

16 raspberries

To make:

In a saucepan, heat the milk until it begins to bubble. Add the oats and allow to cook for 5mins over a low heat or until the milk has been absorbed.

Spoon the porridge into two bowls and top with the chia seeds, sunflower seeds and raspberries. Enjoy!

Did you know?

Chia is thought to contain eight times more Omega 3 than salmon, 3 times more iron than spinach, 15 times more magnesium than broccoli, 6 times more calcium than milk and 2 times more potassium than that in a banana

Interesting reading:

Chavarro JE, Rich-Edwards JW, Rosner B, Willett WC. A prospective study of dairy foods intake and anovulatory infertility. Hum Reprod [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2020 Jun 17];22(5):1340–7. Available from:

Ebisch IMW, Thomas CMG, Peters WHM, Braat DDM, Steegers-Theunissen RPM. The importance of folate, zinc and antioxidants in the pathogenesis and prevention of subfertility [Internet]. Vol. 13, Human Reproduction Update. 2007 [cited 2020 Jul 23]. p. 163–74. Available from:

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