Surrogacy Pre- Consultation

Surrogacy Pre-Consultation! Greetings everyone, and welcome back for an update on our Surrogacy Pre-Consultation update. It pleases me to provide you with an update following my previous video. In the previous video I shared insights from an appointment where we sought an additional opinion. Given my medical history involving scar tissue, the recommendation of utilizing a surrogate was the proposal during the previous consultation. Subsequently, the doctor did present us with a list of surrogacy agencies. From this list, we have engaged with and gathered information from two of the agencies.


Today, we had the privilege of participating in consultations with each of the agencies. These discussions encompassed the procedural aspects, associated costs, and any inquiries we had. Each agency demonstrated a high level of professionalism, providing us with comprehensive information during the Surrogacy Pre-Consultation. At this juncture, we have a preference regarding which agency to proceed with. It excites us as we commit to fulfilling the necessary steps to initiate the process. I will ensure to keep you informed at every stage of our surrogacy journey. Thank each of you for your thoughts and prayers. We are genuinely appreciative of each and everyone of them. Wishing each of you ongoing blessings.

What is a Surrogate and why would one need to use a Surrogate?

A surrogate is also known as a gestational carrier. This is a woman who carries and delivers a baby for another individual or couple. This arrangement is typically sought by individuals or couples who are unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term. This can be due to various medical reasons such as infertility, recurrent miscarriages, or health conditions that make pregnancy unsafe.
There are several reasons why people choose to use a surrogate:
Infertility: Some individuals or couples may struggle with infertility issues that prevent them from conceiving a child naturally or carrying a pregnancy to term. In such cases, surrogacy provides a viable option for having a biological child.
Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions or health concerns may make it unsafe for an individual or couple to carry a pregnancy. This could include conditions such as uterine abnormalities, recurrent miscarriages, or medical treatments that affect fertility.
Same-Sex Couples: Same-sex male couples and individuals may choose surrogacy as a means to have a biological child. In such cases, one partner may provide sperm for fertilization. The sperm is then implanted into the surrogate’s uterus through in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Genetic Concerns: In cases where one or both intended parents may have genetic disorders or hereditary conditions in which they wish to avoid passing on to their child. In this case they may opt for surrogacy using a donor egg or sperm.
Reproductive Choices: Some individuals or couples may prefer surrogacy for personal reasons. Reasons such as avoiding the physical toll of pregnancy, pursuing career or educational goals, or simply choosing an alternative path to parenthood.
Overall, surrogacy offers a way for individuals and couples to achieve their dreams of parenthood when traditional methods are not feasible or safe. It provides an opportunity to have a genetically related child and experience the joys of parenthood, albeit through a different path.

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