Surrogacy Pre- Consultation

Surrogacy Pre- Consultation

Surrogacy Pre-Consultation Update: Today, we delved into discussions with two different surrogacy agencies, exploring procedures, costs, and inquiries. Impressed by their professionalism, we’re narrowing down our choice and gearing up to kickstart the process. Stay tuned for more updates on our surrogacy journey. Your thoughts and prayers mean the world to us. Wishing you all continued blessings.



Hello, everyone! Thanks for your patience. In our last update, I discussed our recent medical appointment, where we considered surgery, balloon retention, or surrogacy. The idea of a partial hysterectomy had previously been mentioned but was not on the table at this time. After our November 2023 appointment, my husband and I sought an additional opinion. In January, our new doctor identified that the scar tissue was from a past surgery some time ago. A surgery which came with a rare 1% chance of scar tissue forming. We are currently awaiting additional information on the surrogate option. Stay tuned for further updates!