

Hello, everyone! Thanks for your patience. In our last update, I discussed our recent medical appointment, where we considered surgery, balloon retention, or surrogacy. The idea of a partial hysterectomy had previously been mentioned but was not on the table at this time. After our November 2023 appointment, my husband and I sought an additional opinion. In January, our new doctor identified that the scar tissue was from a past surgery some time ago. A surgery which came with a rare 1% chance of scar tissue forming. We are currently awaiting additional information on the surrogate option. Stay tuned for further updates!

“Second Post-op Checkup After August Hysteroscopy”

Hello, everyone! I’m back with a quick update on my recent medical appointment. It was my second postoperative checkup following the hysteroscopy I had in August for scar tissue.

During the appointment, we aimed to remove the balloon inserted during the procedure. However, my uterine lining still has some thin areas, so we’re keeping the balloon for two more weeks. I’ll return for its removal in two weeks. I’m continuing my prescribed regimen of 2mg of estrogen and an antibiotic. Thanks for your ongoing support, and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.”


What is a Hysteroscopy? A hysteroscopy is a medical procedure that involves examining the inside of the uterus (womb) using a thin, lighted instrument called

Saline Ultrasound and Biopsy

Part One of Our Day Welcome back! Today, my husband and I had an eventful day as we embarked on a significant step in our