The Plunge Cold Tub Review, Tested & Medically Reviewed

“While cryotherapy is a great tool for most of us, I recommend that patients with high blood pressure avoid it due to the cold shock response,” Bonney advises. “When you plunge your body into cold water, your blood vessels constrict. This triggers an involuntary sudden increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and even your respiratory rate. This is not an issue if you’re able to compensate—but if you have high blood pressure or are on meds for high blood pressure, or a history of cardiovascular disease, then you may not be able to compensate normally.”

Bonney adds that pregnant people should also avoid cryotherapy. “A temperature drop in the body can provoke fetal growth restrictions, preterm birth, and other complications,” she explains.

If you’re not sure whether cold plunging is a good idea for you, it’s always wise to speak with your doctor.

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