The Supplement Helping Me Sleep Through Perimenopause*

I leave the bottle of sleep support+ on an end table near my sofa so I remember to take it about two hours before bed every night. Then, by bedtime, I don’t feel groggy or exhausted—I just feel ready to go to bed. Once I do, I fall asleep almost immediately.

And then comes the real perk for me: I actually stay asleep through the night. Without those random midnight wakeups to recover from, I get up in the morning feeling well rested.

I work in community outreach, and my job can have unpredictable hours sometimes. One day I might have to be somewhere at 6 a.m., and the next I might be expected to stay at an event until 11 p.m. Even though I don’t always have the luxury of a regular sleep schedule, sleep support+ helps me maximize the time in bed I do get. Now, it doesn’t bother me much if I need to get some shut-eye at an hour I’m not used to. I’m confident that this product will help me stay asleep and wake up energized the next morning.*

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