The Wind Down: Productivity Coach Akhila Satish

6 to 7 p.m.: My nighttime routine starts with the end of the workday in the early evening. My team recaps their days in our Slack channel, so I make sure to spend some time reviewing their feedback, checking off my own to-do’s, reviewing my inbox for emails I may have missed, and blocking tasks for tomorrow. I’m always planning my day the night before so I can get started in the morning with clear objectives.

7 p.m.: After I wrap up work, I always have dinner with my family. Since the weather is getting nicer, we also try to get in an evening walk after dinner.

7:45 to 8:30/9:30 p.m.: After dinner, I love to unwind with some TV time. For me, I love watching shows that are familiar especially when work or life gets crazy since I can always count on those shows as a constant. I try to avoid shows that are too intense in the evenings so I’m not making myself inadvertently anxious before winding down for the day.

8:30 to 9 p.m.: Arguably the most important part of my nighttime routine isn’t actually mine—it’s my dog’s. We take him outside and then bring him to his bed with his favorite toy.

9 to 9:30 p.m.: Once the pup is in bed, I start to wind down with journaling. I love using the Day One app because it’s like a private Instagram and I can include photos in my entries. Plus, it transfers to your desktop so I never miss it!

9:30 to 9:45 p.m.: I like to keep my self-care routine simple, but there are some products I’m loving right now that give me little moments of luxury. I use Ranavat’s Restoring Moonseed Treatment a few times a week. I love the product independently, but I also feel good supporting a small business!

9:45 p.m.: Before I get in bed, I make sure my phone is on Do Not Disturb so it doesn’t buzz or light up when I’m asleep. A lot of people don’t realize this, but even your phone lighting up or buzzing during the night can majorly impact your quality of sleep.

9:45 to 10:30 p.m.: Once I’m ready to get in bed, I pull out a good book to tucker out my brain. I try to read books that are thought-provoking and interesting, meaning that I’m not reading something especially dramatic like a murder mystery right before bed. Some current picks I’m making my way through are Matthew Desmond’s Poverty, by America and The Exceptions, which chronicles women in STEM.

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